Obi-Wan's House, also known as Obi-Wan's hut or Ben Kenobi's home, served as the residence of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on the desert planet of Tatooine. He used the alias Ben Kenobi while living there. The dwelling, abandoned by its previous owner, a moisture prospector, was isolated in the harsh Jundland Wastes, perched on a high point surrounded by the vast Western Dune Sea.
Its distance from the Lars homestead was measured at 136 kilometers. Constructed from synstone, the house was a basic structure featuring a single large room, partitioned to create a bathroom, a living area, and an elevated kitchen space. It was erected above a sheltered cave. Kenobi utilized this cave as both a compact workshop and a storage space for food, while he primarily occupied the house above for the majority of his time. A moisture vaporator stood adjacent to the house. Kenobi often spent time wandering the nearby canyons and engaging in meditation.

Perched atop a bluff, the hut's initial construction was undertaken by mining prospectors originating from the Core Worlds, who mistakenly believed Tatooine held significant mineral resources. A moisture prospector built it due to the area's relatively high water condensation levels. Ultimately, the building was deserted and left unoccupied.
Following the fall of the Jedi Order, after delivering the infant Luke Skywalker to the care of the Lars family, Kenobi initially took residence in a cave situated near the Lars homestead for a decade. Eventually, discovering the small house upon its windswept bluff, Kenobi relocated from the cave into it. He dwelled there for nine years, until the mission to save Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, a mission that resulted in Kenobi's death at the hands of Darth Vader. Post Kenobi's death, Skywalker revisited the dwelling to expand his understanding of the Jedi ways. While exploring the hut, he was confronted by Boba Fett, who had been commissioned by Darth Vader to locate the pilot responsible for destroyed the Death Star. They fought, but Skywalker managed to escape. At a later time, Vader, accompanied by Doctor Aphra, journeyed to the hut while searching for his son. Upon their departure, Aphra deployed a Molecular purge bomb to obscure their visit to the hut.
Shortly before the rescue of Han Solo from Jabba's Palace, Luke returned to the house and discovered some crucial components needed for his new green lightsaber.
According to Star Wars: Complete Locations, Bestine is identified as the closest settlement. However, this information is inconsistent within the same book. The map depicting Tatooine indicates that several cities, such as Mos Espa, are situated closer to Kenobi's residence.
In the initial screenplay for Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, Ben's living quarters were described as a cave. By the time production commenced on Episode IV, the location was changed to a hut, although blueprint drawings still referred to his home as a "cave." The Obi-Wan Kenobi series introduced a cave that was inspired by the original script. Placing Kenobi in a cave rather than his hut during the series served several narrative objectives. As established in DK Publishing's Star Wars: Complete Locations map, Kenobi's hut was situated quite a distance from the Lars homestead, and the series necessitated his proximity to monitor the farm.