A Venator-class Star Destroyer was part of the Galactic Republic's Open Circle Fleet, a component of their naval forces, and functioned as the flagship for Jedi Master Adi Gallia during the Clone Wars. During 20 BBY, the Venator journeyed to the planet Aleen, where clone troopers from the Republic's 104th Battalion delivered the protocol droid C-3PO and the astromech droid R2-D2 to be received by Gallia on her flagship. After the droids were brought aboard, the Star Destroyer was ambushed close to Patitite Pattuna by a fleet belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, under the leadership of the Kaleesh General Grievous, who boarded the Venator, captured Gallia, and ultimately led to the ship's destruction following the capture.

Being a Venator-class Star Destroyer in service to the Galactic Republic, this capital ship utilized a propulsion system consisting of eight ion drive thrusters positioned at the vessel's rear, and also featured a pair of command bridges. Located atop each bridge were two hyperwave comm scanners for communication purposes. Inside one of the bridges was a large room that included a central holotable, along with numerous holographic projection screens and a series of viewports that provided the bridge crew with a panoramic view of the surrounding space.
The cruiser also included a room specifically designed as quarters for the personnel on board, which featured several display screens along the back wall and a single chair. Furthermore, the Venator was equipped with multiple blast doors that were operated by panels located directly beside them. The Star Destroyer also had an internal communications network that was used to inform both passengers and crew of the need to immediately evacuate the ship.
The Venator, powered by a primary reactor, was armed with eight DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets on each of its port and starboard sides, as well as two medium dual turbolaser cannons on both sides. In addition to these weapons, the Star Destroyer contained a main hangar bay. This bay housed its complement of Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters, BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bombers, and Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships, all protected by a series of blue lighted force fields. The symbol representing the Republic's Open Circle Fleet was prominently displayed along the hull on both the port and starboard sides of the Venator.

By the year 20 BBY, the Venator-class Star Destroyer was serving as the flagship for Jedi General Adi Gallia, a Jedi Master belonging to the High Council. She played a role in commanding the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps during the time of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In that same year of 20 BBY, the Republic initiated a relief mission to the planet Aleen under the direction of Clone Commander CC-3636, also known as "Wolffe," who was part of the Republic's 104th Battalion. Gallia also made her way to Aleen as part of this mission.
After the mission was successfully concluded, Wolffe and his [clone troopers](/article/clone_trooper] handed over the protocol droid C-3PO and the astromech droid R2-D2, who had both been of assistance during the relief effort, to the Venator-class Star Destroyer. Gallia planned to use the Star Destroyer to return to Coruscant, the Republic's capital planet. However, as it was traveling to Coruscant, the Venator was ambushed near the planet Patitite Pattuna by a Separatist fleet under the command of the Kaleesh General Grievous. The fleet, consisting of a Providence-class Dreadnought and two Munificent-class star frigates, possessed a greater strength than the single Republic cruiser.
When Grievous's fleet arrived, the Separatist warships were able to strike Gallia's flagship on its port side, causing significant damage to the main reactor. This prompted the Jedi Master to order the immediate evacuation of all personnel on board. As the crew members and passengers headed towards the escape pods and Low Altitude Assault Transports, the two Republic droids, in an attempt to locate an escape pod, wandered throughout the entire Star Destroyer. While searching, the two droids discovered Master Gallia engaged in combat with the cyborg general, who had managed to incapacitate the Jedi Master following a brief duel in a hallway inside the Venator, while clone troopers from the 91st attempted to hold off the Separatist general's B1-series battle droids.

As Grievous's warships continued their assault on the Venator, several Republic starfighters, bombers, and gunships were launched from its main hangar to defend against attacking Vulture-class droid starfighters. This included a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber piloted by C-3PO and R2-D2. Despite the Republic's defense, the Kaleesh general was able to defeat Gallia, taking her as a prisoner aboard his Providence-class Dreadnought, while the three Separatist warships continued to fire on the Venator, leading to its destruction in a massive explosion.
The Venator-class Star Destroyer, which served as her flagship, was under the command of Jedi Master Adi Gallia during the second year of the war. The ship was maintained by a crew consisting of clone troopers and clone navigation officers. R-series astromech droids were also part of the crew, along with several clone trooper flight crews who operated within the Venator's main hangar bay.
Adi Gallia's flagship made its first appearance in "Nomad Droids," which was the sixth episode of the fourth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. It was originally broadcast on October 14, 2011. In 2020, the 47th issue of Star Wars: Build Your Own X-Wing mistakenly used an image of the Steadfast during the capture of Eeth Koth to illustrate Grievous's capture of Gallia aboard her cruiser.