Aleen, a stony planet, was situated in the Bright Jewel sector within the galaxy's Mid Rim. This world was the native habitat of the small, land-based Aleena species, as well as the Kindalo, a species of bioluminescent, tree-resembling organisms. Historically, these two species clashed, leading to a war that resulted in the extinction of the majority of sentient beings on Aleen. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], the Galactic Republic arrived to aid the Aleena in their recovery following a series of devastating groundquakes.

Aleen's surface resembled a desert, but its unique feature was a network of intricate caverns in its upper crust. These caverns were considered a distinct subterranean biome, complete with its own unique atmosphere. These caverns were formed by the growth of indigenous arbozoic trees, with tunnels shaped by water, lava, and tectonic activity. This subsurface area fostered a unique climate and an atmosphere poisonous to the surface-dwelling Aleena. The planet's two sentient species intentionally acknowledged this division and remained separate. The surface of Aleen was scattered with the remnants of Aleena colossi, serving as reminders of an ancient, technological civilization that was abandoned in favor of a simpler way of life.
Aleen, the original homeworld of both the Aleena and the Kindalo, was a world defined by two distinct environments with intertwined yet separate histories. According to human-centric scholarship from the Galactic Empire, the Aleena, and possibly the Kindalo, were client species of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, although concrete evidence of an occupation was scarce. The Aleena established a robust culture and a formidable military, constructing towering monoliths that were central to the religious orders that arose on the planet in the early days of the Galactic Republic, well before the galactic community discovered Aleen. During a period of expansion, the Aleena colonized other worlds and spread throughout the greater galaxy, but many remained on Aleen.
Later, the Aleena engaged in conflict with the Kindalo, who dwelled beneath the planet's surface. This resulted in a terrible war that inflicted significant damage on both societies through the use of advanced weaponry. As casualties mounted and threatened all life on Aleen, a compact was established, ensuring that neither society would interfere with the other again. To symbolize this agreement, the Great Seal was created as a reminder of the treaty and placed at a primary tunnel entrance leading to the Underworld, the Kindalo's domain.
While the Great Seal was more symbolic than a physical barrier, as numerous tunnels and caverns permeated the planet's upper crust, it held a revered status among the Aleena. Determined to move away from the society that nearly caused their destruction, the Aleena entered a period of self-imposed isolation and significantly reduced their technological advancement. Aleena families organized themselves into kinship groups known as tahikos. The various settlements across the planet maintained communication with a planetary government that advised the King of Aleen, a ceremonial position typically held by respected priests.
Over millennia, Duros spacers eventually located Aleen and introduced the Jedi Order to the planet. The Jedi established a chapter house above the Great Seal and protected the world for a time before abandoning their chapter house, allowing it to deteriorate.
During the Clone Wars, the Republic conducted humanitarian operations on Aleen when the Great Seal became dislodged, causing the two atmospheres to mix. This resulted in groundquakes that severely disrupted the planet. During the relief efforts, Republic agents, particularly the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, documented the presence of a mysterious being named Orphne and white, living trees, although her true nature remained unclear.
Following the Galactic Empire's rise to power at the war's conclusion, the Empire established an observation post and listening station on Trohlu, Aleen's only moon. The Stormtrooper Corps once carried out a mission on Aleen. General Sorin conducted weapons testing on Aleen.