The Kindalo constituted a species of towering, bioluminescent, tree-resembling sentients native to the subterranean caverns located on the planet Aleen. Due to the poisonous nature of Aleen's surface air to these botanical entities, they served as guardians of the passages connecting the two distinct ecosystems and possessed the ability to trigger earthquakes in order to close off any intrusions.
Once upon a time, the Kindalo engaged in conflict with the Aleena; however, the hostilities concluded with an agreement that designated the surface to the Aleena and the underground to the Kindalo. The Kindalo's governmental structure was distinctive, characterized by collective action only when unanimous consent was achieved among all Kindalo. This peculiarity prompted certain off-world xenobiologists to surmise that the total Kindalo population was limited.
During the era of the Clone Wars, the droid companions C-3PO and R2-D2 inadvertently descended into the underworld, where they came across a quartet of Kindalo who guided them in the direction of Orphne. Scholars affiliated with the Galactic Empire hypothesized that the Kindalo might have been client species of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, despite the scarcity of evidence indicating any occupation of their world.