The Mandalorian fleet comprised a fleet of starships crewed by Mandalorian warriors and stolen from the Imperial forces. Featuring both starfighters and larger capital ships, this fleet was initially gathered and under the command of Bo-Katan Kryze as she attempted to reclaim Mandalore. However, it was lost when her lieutenants, Axe Woves and Koska Reeves, betrayed her, abandoning her with their crews to become privateers. Subsequently, after she obtained proof that Mandalore could be inhabited again, Kryze located the renegade Mandalorians, defeated Woves in combat, and successfully recovered the fleet, utilizing it to explore Mandalore in preparation for future resettlement.
Lady Bo-Katan Kryze was the original leader of the Mandalorian fleet, with Captain Axe Woves briefly in command later on. This fleet consisted of a variety of starship types. The flagship of the fleet was a Class 546 Arquitens-class command cruiser that once belonged to Moff Gideon, a member of a remnant of the Galactic Empire. Five Gozanti-class Assault Carriers accompanied the light cruiser, one of which Kryze and her team stole from Gideon's remnant on Trask. The fleet also had eight Mandalorian Kom'rk-class fighter/transports and approximately thirty Fang-class fighters. When stationed on Plazir-15, this fleet acted as the Mandalorian garrison and served as the planet's defense force.
During the New Republic Era, Kryze built up her fleet using both Imperial and Mandalorian warships. In 9 ABY, Kryze, alongside her team and Din Djarin, launched an assault against Moff Gideon's remnant on the water moon of Trask. Their goal was to seize weapons from a Gozanti-class Assault Carrier, but they ended up stealing the entire vessel after eliminating the Imperial crew. After securing the ship, Kryze incorporated it into her fleet. Later, Kryze, Djarin, Koska Reeves, and others participated in a rescue mission to save the Mandalorian foundling Grogu after he was abducted and imprisoned on a Class 546 Arquitens-class cruiser. They defeated the Moff, secured the vessel, and added it to their fleet.
Despite these victories, Kryze was unable to claim the Darksaber; instead, Djarin won it after defeating Gideon in combat. Consequently, Kryze's forces rapidly dissolved, with many becoming mercenaries and privateers under Woves' leadership, offering their services for hire.

Months later, the light cruiser, now adorned with a repainted mythosaur skull on its underside, was used by the Mandalorian privateers to locate and capture a Quarren freighter commanded by Captain Shuggoth. Their objective was to retrieve a wanted Mon Calamari viceroy's son. Subsequently, the fleet gathered on the planet Plazir-15, where they were employed as the planet's standing army, effectively becoming a garrison. Eventually, Kryze journeyed to Plazir-15 to reclaim her fleet after joining the Tribe and relocating them to a permanent base on Nevarro. After finding her former crew, she challenged Woves to a duel and emerged victorious. With Djarin relinquishing the Darksaber due to his defeat by a cyborg on Mandalore (whom Kryze subsequently eliminated), Kryze was able to regain control of her fleet.
With the fleet once again under her command, Kryze returned to Nevarro with the privateers to join the Tribe's forces, uniting the two groups with the aim of resettling and claiming Mandalore. Despite initial tensions, a feast organized by "the Armorer" helped ease anxieties, and warriors from both sides agreed to form a task force to retake their homeworld. A scouting party was to land on the planet and establish a perimeter for the fleet to land and create a new settlement. With preparations complete, the fleet departed from Nevarro and arrived in orbit above Mandalore. Kryze's Gauntlet startfighter, along with the scouting party, descended to the surface, while the rest of the fleet remained in orbit until given the all-clear. The scouting party encountered survivors on the surface. After deciding to travel to the Great Forge, the Armorer took Kryze's Gauntlet starfighter along with wounded survivors back to the fleet. However, the scouting party was ambushed by Imperial commandos at the Great Forge.
Following the ambush on the ground, Gideon dispatched TIE interceptors and bombers to destroy the Mandalorian fleet. However, Woves arrived in time to warn the fleet. Everyone except Woves left the light cruiser to board the Kom'rk transports, which then entered the atmosphere along with the Fang fighters to reinforce the ground assault. This left the flagship vulnerable, and it was inevitably sent crashing down to the surface of Mandalore, with Woves directing the descent into Gideon's base before abandoning it at the last moment.