The Gozanti-class Assault Carrier, often referred to as the Imperial assault carrier, represented a specialized version of the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser. It saw action with the Galactic Empire during their conflict with the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the Galactic Civil War.

The Imperial assault carrier, more formally known as the Gozanti-class Assault Carrier, was a specific modification of the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser, which itself was a derivative of the civilian Gozanti-class armed transport. This Carrier variant featured upgrades such as a strengthened hull and enhanced repulsorlift engines. These improvements enabled its four ventral magnetic docking claws to transport various payloads, including four All Terrain Defense Pods, two All Terrain Armored Transports, four All Terrain Scout Transports, or four TIE fighter series craft, much like the standard Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser.
For armament, the Gozanti-class Assault Carrier possessed two twin laser cannon turrets. These were situated on the dorsal and ventral rear sections of the vessel. The ship also featured three engines and a dorsal rectenna.

The Galactic Empire began deploying the Gozanti-class Assault Carrier around the time that the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire was forming. An insurgent group known as the Spectres, operating from the planet of Lothal, stole illicit T-7 ion disruptor rifles to prevent their capture by the Empire. Following a confrontation on Garel, the Spectres met with Cikatro Vizago, a criminal smuggler specializing in arms, to sell the stolen weapons. However, unbeknownst to the Spectres, Alexsandr Kallus, an Agent of the Imperial Security Bureau, discovered the planned exchange. Kallus utilized a Gozanti-class Assault Carrier to deploy four AT-DP walkers and then disembarked himself, accompanied by a squad of stormtroopers. After deploying its complement of Imperial forces, the carrier subsequently departed the area. Despite this initial deployment, the Imperial forces were ultimately repelled and defeated.
Not long after the Battle of Garel during the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War, a senatorial convoy belonging to the Royal Alderaan Civil Fleet made its way to Lothal. Three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes within the convoy were ordered to land in the city of Jalath for inspection. Upon their arrival, Lieutenant Yogar Lyste of the Imperial forces arrived with stormtroopers and gravity locks to secure the vessels. Simultaneously, a Gozanti-class Assault Carrier deployed two AT-AT walkers, one of which was designated AT-AT 36, to establish perimeter security. This deployment aimed to prevent rebel elements from seizing the three corvettes, as Alderaanian ships were notorious targets for rebel theft. Despite these precautions, rebel forces successfully overcame the Imperials and absconded with all three corvettes.

During the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, Imperial General Maximilian Veers opted to utilize several Gozanti-class Assault Carriers to deploy the walkers of Blizzard Force instead of relying on Y-85 Titan dropships. This decision stemmed from Veers' concern that enemy starfighters would overwhelm the dropships before they could reach their designated landing zones.
Roja, a Rebel trooper and member of Twilight Company stationed at Echo Base's Perimeter Outpost Delta, initially spotted the carriers. His squadmate, Beak, identified the vessels as Gozanti-class Assault Carriers and correctly inferred that they were transporting walkers for deployment on Hoth's surface. Subsequently, First Sergeant Hazram Namir instructed Beak to report their presence.
Following the death of Emperor Palpatine during the pivotal Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, and the initiation of his final directive, Operation: Cinder, Imperial forces under the command of ISB Admiral Garrick Versio and Moff Derrek Raythe commenced the operation on Vardos, a world deeply loyal to the Empire. This operation involved the destruction of Imperial worlds, a destructive plan conceived by Palpatine, who believed the Empire unworthy of survival without him. As the operation's climate disruption arrays began to alter the climate, causing catastrophic storms, Gozanti-class Assault Carriers were observed in the capital city of Kestro. One such carrier deployed an AT-AT near the Archive. A skirmish then broke out when two members of Inferno Squad, an Imperial Special Forces unit, defected and commandeered the AT-AT in an attempt to aid in the evacuation of civilians.

In accordance with Operation: Cinder, Captain Lerr Duvat of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Torment deployed the climate disruption arrays above Naboo, Emperor Palpatine's homeworld. The Battle of Theed commenced when members of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps and the Rebel Alliance engaged the Torment in orbit, successfully destroying the arrays. Following a naval engagement that led to the destruction of the Torment, several landing forces were dispatched from the Star Destroyer towards the capital city of Theed. This Imperial force included at least two Gozanti-class Assault Carriers, which deployed AT-ATs in the city center. As intense fighting raged in the streets and starfighters clashed above, the AT-ATs advanced towards the Theed Royal Palace with the objective of defeating the Alliance forces. However, an ion burst originating from the palace disrupted the Imperial advance, disabling their equipment and forcing their surrender.

Around 9 ABY, Din Djarin, alongside Bo-Katan Kryze, Axe Woves, and Koska Reeves, infiltrated an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser that was transporting weapons. With the intention of seizing the weapon shipment, the group secured the cargo, took control of the bridge, and hijacked the vessel. After the successful mission, Djarin parted ways with the group.