The Royal Alderaan Civil Fleet, which was also referred to as the Alderaanian fleet or the royal command fleet, was the fleet that was operated by the planet of Alderaan. In the course of the Imperial Era, Viceroy Bail Organa, along with his rebel operatives, such as his daughter Leia Organa, frequently dispatched ships belonging to the fleet to provide resources to rebel groups by orchestrating simulated attacks, allowing the rebels to steal the supplies. Ultimately, the Alderaanian fleet was integrated into the more expansive Alliance Fleet of the Rebel Alliance, with the Tantive IV serving as a component of the naval force by the time of the Battle of Scarif. The security personnel of the Alderaanian fleet, known as the Alderaanian consular security, manned different ships within the Alliance Fleet, for example, the MC75 Star Cruiser Profundity and the RHA Consonance.