Alderaanian consular security

Alderaan's consular security, also referred to as Fleet Troopers when observed as Rebel troopers, functioned as the security force stationed on both Alderaan itself and the planet's consular vessels. Their primary responsibility was to protect and accompany senators and other important figures. As Viceroy Bail Organa rose to prominence within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, these security personnel actively engaged in the fighting against the Galactic Empire.

The consular security uniform's simplicity led to its widespread adoption among Rebel troopers. Rebel commanders recognized the benefit of having a standardized uniform for the Alliance Army. Among the Rebels utilizing this uniform were those based at the Rebel headquarters on the moon Yavin 4, as well as participants in the operations on Tatooine. The uniform remained in use by Rebel troopers during the Battle of Endor and the subsequent Battle of Theed, a period when the Rebellion was evolving into the New Republic, transforming its Rebel troopers into New Republic soldiers.


Battle of Scarif

Many Alderaanian consular security soldiers worked with the Rebel Alliance.

By the year 0 BBY, a significant number of Alderaanian consular security soldiers were collaborating with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Alliance also adopted the consular uniform for their own Rebel troopers. Rebels wearing this uniform served at the main base on Yavin 4, primarily providing security for the base and its staff. Some were stationed on an elevated platform, monitoring starship traffic, while others attended meetings of the Alliance High Command. Gale Torg, a consular security soldier, was responsible for guarding and escorting visiting senators and dignitaries. Shortly after a High Command meeting, where numerous consular security personnel were present, Torg was walking with former senator Mon Mothma and General Antoc Merrick when Private Tenzigo Weems of the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service approached them. Weems informed them of a rebel attack taking place on Scarif. When asked about Admiral Raddus, Weems reported that he was already en route with a large portion of the Alliance Fleet.

A consular security soldier aboard the Profundity had alerted Raddus to the attack. Raddus's prompt response enabled him and the Alliance Fleet to achieve victory at Scarif, although the Profundity was crippled by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator. Onboard the Profundity, consular security soldiers hurried to board the Tantive IV, docked in the cruiser's hangar. Before reaching the Tantive IV, one soldier paused at a terminal to download the plans for the Death Star, which they had just acquired during the battle, onto a datacard. Another soldier urged him to move, and they fled towards the next security door. The door malfunctioned, failing to open fully, and the lights went out due to the ship's damage. After failing to force the door open, the soldier attempted to alert the retreating soldiers on the other side, until the twelve trapped men realized there was a sound behind them.

Trapped rebel soldiers faced off against Darth Vader and failed to stop him.

The dozen consular security soldiers aimed their weapons into the darkness, which then illuminated to reveal Darth Vader standing before them, his lightsaber glowing. The soldiers opened fire, but Vader swiftly eliminated them. The soldier carrying the plans continued to knock on the door until Toshma Jefkin arrived from the other side to assist. As Vader finished off the last soldiers, Jefkin received the plans through the gap in the door and ran into the Tantive IV as Vader broke through the door, his lightsaber piercing the plan's former holder. Jefkin sealed the airlock and ordered the corvette to launch. The Tantive IV detached from the Profundity and escaped the system.

Escorting the Death Star plans

The Alderaanian consular security soldiers prepare to defend the Tantive IV.

Regrettably, a leak in the Tantive IV's hyperdrive created a trail that the Devastator followed. Captain Raymus Antilles instructed the consular security soldiers to secure the airlock and prepare the escape pods. The Tantive IV arrived at Tatooine, closely pursued by the Devastator, which then pulled it into its main hangar. Ensign Cariso Smadis and other soldiers positioned themselves to defend the airlock. Stormtroopers forced their way in, pushing the defenders back. After suffering significant casualties, the soldiers retreated, and several were captured. Antilles was captured and interrogated by Darth Vader. Antilles denied possessing the Death Star plans, and Vader, enraged, choked him to death.

Despite the Death Star plans narrowly escaping the Tantive IV, the Death Star destroyed Alderaan later that day. Shortly after, the plans reached the Alliance's main base, but the Death Star tracked and followed them. With the battle station approaching Yavin 4, the Alliance quickly organized an attack targeting the station's critical weakness. With many consular security soldiers still guarding the base, the attack commenced and proved successful, resulting in the Death Star's destruction. Numerous consular security soldiers attended the Royal Award Ceremony honoring the heroes of the battle. Among them were Captain Miara Larte and Jessamyn, who were still grieving for their friends on Alderaan. Gale Torg was also present, serving as an Honor Guard.


Following the fall of the Empire, the Alliance transitioned into the New Republic. The New Republic soldier's uniform incorporated the same helmet design as that worn by the Alderaanian consular security soldiers.

Uniforms and equipment

An Alderaanian consular security soldier using a scatter gun.

Consular security troopers wore light blue shirts, gray pants, and black boots that reached mid-calf. They wore a multi-pocketed black spacer vest of Corellian design over their shirts. The distinctive white helmet featured a flash visor and, often, an integrated comlink. They were known to use DH-17 blaster pistols. Officers in consular security wore similar uniforms, but with a light brown jacket, shirt, and pants, along with a brown belt.

Many elements and variations of these uniforms were used by Rebel troopers, particularly at Yavin 4's Base One in 0 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The Alderaanian consular security made their debut in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, directed by George Lucas and released in 1977. They were subsequently identified as fleet troopers in the Defend the Fleet game on the Fantasy Flight Games website. In 2016, the troopers appeared in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and were identified as the Alderaanian consular security in the companion book, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide.

