Raymus Antilles

Raymus Antilles, a male human hailing from Alderaan, served the House of Organa with distinction. He was the captain of both the Tantive III and the Tantive IV corvettes. Sadly, Antilles met his end during the secret mission to Tatooine, sacrificing himself to shield Princess Leia Organa from Darth Vader's clutches.


Early life

A younger Antilles circa 19 BBY.

Originating from the esteemed and peaceful planet Alderaan, Raymus Antilles was a male of the human species. Trained in the art of diplomacy, he also developed into a skilled starship pilot. His path eventually led him to the House of Organa, where he was entrusted with the responsibility of transporting its members throughout the galaxy. Consequently, he became a member of Senator Bail Prestor Organa's command team, who was the husband of Queen Breha of Alderaan. Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Antilles served as the pilot of the CR70 corvette Tantive III for Bail.

Imperial Era and early rebellion

As the Galactic Republic crumbled during the fall and the Galactic Empire began its reign in its early days, Antilles held the rank of captain aboard the Tantive III. He witnessed Bail's rescue of Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi from the horrors of the Great Jedi Purge. Following the birth of Padmé Amidala's twins, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, Antilles was assigned the care of Amidala's two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, and tasked with wiping the latter's memory. In the years that followed, Antilles extended his service to Leia, in addition to her father.

One year following the fall of the Republic, Antilles assumed command of the Tantive IV. He was present when Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, boarded the ship and entered Bail's private quarters to discuss joining the rebellion. Concerned for Bail's well-being, Antilles, accompanied by a security detail, abruptly entered Bail's quarters during his conversation with Tano; however, Bail reassured him that she was a friend. Shortly thereafter, while Antilles was engaged in a conversation with Bail in the Tantive IV's mess hall, Tano approached them with a plan to assist her remaining friends on the moon Raada. Upon receiving a signal from Tano, Antilles, along with the Tantive IV, several other transports, and A-wings, journeyed to Raada to aid in the evacuation of the farmers on the moon from Imperial occupation.

In the years that ensued, Antilles skillfully navigated the Tantive IV through numerous Imperial blockades and checkpoints, consistently evading suspicion and detection. Antilles also worked alongside Toshma Jefkin for many years, and together they shared many close calls with Imperial forces.

In 3 BBY, Princess Leia, as part of her Challenge of the Heart, took command of the Tantive IV for humanitarian missions, with Antilles accompanying her on several, such as a mission to Wobani to deliver food rations, and another to Chal Hudda to deliver vaccines, alongside C-3PO.

Galactic Civil War

Escaping Scarif

Antilles rushes the Death Star plans to Princess Leia shortly after the Battle of Scarif.

Remaining in the service of the Organas, Antilles distinguished himself as an exceptional leader, successfully breaching numerous Imperial blockades to deliver essential supplies to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He continued his service to Leia after she succeeded her father as Senator of Alderaan. Like few others besides her adoptive father, the princess developed a deep trust in Antilles, to the point where she insisted on ensuring his family was well-cared for during his time serving her.

In 0 BBY, the Rebel Alliance launched an operation on Scarif to steal the plans for the Death Star, an Imperial battle station armed with a superlaser with the capability to obliterate entire planets. Before their departure for the battle, Antilles cautioned Organa about the potential for the Empire to track them by detecting any unusual hyperspace wake, expressing a strong sense of foreboding about the mission, but Organa insisted on proceeding.

During the Battle of Scarif, the Rogue One team successfully acquired the Death Star plans and transmitted them to the Profundity just before the Imperial security complex was almost completely destroyed by the superweapon's laser under the command of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Following Darth Vader's assault on the Profundity, Antilles received the plans for the Death Star and promptly delivered them to the princess as they escaped into hyperspace aboard the Tantive IV.

Journey to Tatooine

Instead of heading to Alderaan, Leia instructed Raymus to set course for the planet Tatooine in the Outer Rim Territories, with the intention of locating the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and delivering a message from her father. Antilles adjusted their course, opting for a route that defied predictability, doubling back on itself, with initial jumps to Ukio, then Roon, and subsequently Kowak. The corvette then jumped to Hypori, only to find Vader's flagship, the Devastator, lying in wait, Vader having utilized the Force to track them. The Star Destroyer launched an attack that damaged the Tantive IV, but with its hyperdrive still operational, the corvette made another jump, traveling to Iskalon and then Vuzsa.

Shortly after initiating the hyperspace jump, Antilles consulted with the senior officers, who confirmed his concerns about an abnormal hyperspace wake. Antilles realized that their ship was ill-suited for their current mission, given the electrical damage sustained from the Profundity's electrical overload. Unfortunately for the Rebels, the Devastator continued to track them and match their course. Still concerned about the Princess' safety, Antilles suggested that Leia use one of the escape pods, but Chief Petty Officer Corla Metonae disagreed, arguing that the Empire would not dare to board them, as the Tantive IV was flying under a diplomatic flag. Antilles doubted this, given the significance of what Rogue One had stolen from Scarif and that Darth Vader had been dispatched to retrieve the plans.

One of the bosuns also intercepted an Imperial transmission, priority red. This directive authorized the search and seizure of any CR90 corvettes, confirming Antilles' fears. The most alarming news, however, came from Second Officer Toshma Jefkin's report of Darth Vader in the hall of the Profundity. With time running out, Antilles returned to his quarters and attempted to compose three letters, one for his wife and two for his daughters, but he struggled to find the right words. As he was gathering his thoughts around the Alderaanian corvette exited hyperspace and they soon realized the Devastator was not far behind.

Boarding of the Tantive IV

Antilles strangled by Darth Vader during his interrogation aboard the Tantive IV.

After the jump from Vuzsa, the Tantive IV's motivator failed, forcing the ship out of hyperspace within the Tatoo system. Shortly thereafter, Vader's Star Destroyer emerged from hyperspace and began bombarding the corvette with turbolaser fire. Antilles ordered the rear guns to return fire and directed full power to the rear deflector shield.

Realizing that the ship was doomed but that he could still save the princess, Antilles desperately searched for Organa after assembling his security forces and eventually located her with R2-D2. Antilles urged Organa to escape in a pod, but she refused. Determined to face his end with valor, Antilles charged down the hall, engaging his enemies in combat. The captain managed to eliminate several stormtroopers before being subdued by three of them, who identified him as the ship's captain. Antilles was subsequently brought before Darth Vader, who had boarded the corvette.

Upon being informed by TK-9091 that the Death Star plans were not on the main computer, Vader questioned Antilles about their whereabouts while strangling him. Loyal to the princess, the captain protected Leia's identity, assuring the Sith Lord that they had received no transmissions because the Tantive IV was a consular ship on a diplomatic mission, leading Vader to ask Antilles where the ambassador was in that case as Antilles desperately fought for air.

As consciousness faded, Raymus Antilles felt a strange sense of hope. Accepting his impending death, Antilles hoped that Leia would manage to escape and deliver the plans to the rebellion, enabling them to destroy the Death Star. The Dark Lord then snapped his neck and discarded Antilles' lifeless body after the failed interrogation. The Imperials then released the captain's corpse into the void of space along with those of his crew.

Personality and traits

Antilles was unfailingly loyal to the House of Organa

Raymus Antilles, a steadfast servant of Alderaan's royal family, was a composed captain entrusted by Bail Organa's command staff. Antilles prioritized the safety of Bail Organa and his family above all else, even going so far as to breach Bail's quarters with a security team if he sensed any danger. Antilles was deeply devoted to Organa, as evidenced by his willingness to wipe C-3PO's memory at the Viceroy's request.

In the years leading up to the Galactic Civil War, Antilles continued to serve the Organas, entrusted with the safety of Princess Leia Organa. When it became clear that the Empire was closing in, Antilles prioritized the princess's safety over his own, having previously cautioned her about the mission's risks and urging her to leave the Tantive IV in an escape pod. As captain, Antilles was prepared to go down with his ship if necessary. A courageous individual, Antilles remained loyal to the princess and the rebellion until the very end, refusing to reveal her identity to Darth Vader, even lying to the fearsome Sith Lord, who ultimately strangled him to death.

Antilles held deep love and care for his family. Shortly before his demise, Antilles attempted to pen three letters: one for his beloved wife and two for his young daughters, whom he had rarely seen, with the intention that his daughters would read them when they were older. In these letters, he wanted to convey that his absence was not due to a lack of love, but rather because his love for them compelled him to ensure they could live the lives they deserved. By this point, Antilles recognized the cruel irony of war: his greatest acts of love for his family were the very things that kept him apart from them.

Raymus Antilles, a human male, stood at a height of 1.88 meters and possessed fair skin, brown eyes, and brown hair.

Behind the scenes

Raymus Antilles was brought to life by Peter Geddis in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the inaugural installment of the Star Wars original trilogy. Later, Rohan Nichol portrayed Antilles in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the concluding chapter of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Tim Beckmann took on the role in the 2016 Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Denis Lawson, known for his portrayal of Wedge Antilles in the original trilogy, was approached by director George Lucas to assume the role of Raymus Antilles for Revenge of the Sith. However, Lawson declined due to a lack of interest in rejoining the Star Wars franchise, despite the opportunity to star alongside his nephew Ewan McGregor, who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in the prequel trilogy.

After being selected to play Antilles in Revenge of the Sith, Rohan Nichol experienced an unfortunate shaving mishap, resulting in a noticeable nick on his chin that wouldn't stop bleeding before filming. Nichol apologized to Lucas for the blemish, to which Lucas jokingly replied that Antilles "must have gotten [the cut) in the Clone Wars."

