Toshma Jefkin was a human male who held positions as both a soldier within the Rebel Alliance's military and a guard for the Alderaanian consular security. In 1 BBY, he served as the second officer aboard the Tantive IV.
Jefkin's service included being a part of the Alderaanian consular security, a force tasked with the protection and escort of Alderaanian important figures. Due to the secret alliance between the royal family of Alderaan and the Rebel Alliance, Jefkin found himself participating in the war against the Galactic Empire as a soldier in the Rebel Military. By the year of 1 BBY, Jefkin's role was that of second officer on the Tantive IV, a CR90 corvette under the command of Captain Raymus Antilles and utilized by Princess Leia Organa as her consular ship. By this point, he and the captain had worked together for many years, surviving numerous dangerous encounters with Imperial forces.

After sustaining damage during a hazardous operation, the Tantive IV was docked on the Rebel flagship Profundity, an MC75 Star Cruiser, for repairs. However, the Profundity was dispatched to Scarif, where a Rebel team was attempting to steal the plans for the Empire's Death Star battle station. After the Profundity successfully intercepted the Rebel transmission containing the Death Star plans, Darth Vader, the formidable Dark Lord of the Sith, boarded the cruiser. Some Profundity crewmembers, having duplicated the stolen plans onto a datacard, tried to board the Tantive IV promptly. However, the individual carrying the datacard was unable to enter the corvette due to a security door malfunction. On the other side, Jefkin managed to grab the important device through a small opening. Once he had the plans, he rushed through the Profundity's corridors until he reached the docking bay and the Tantive IV's entry hatch. As soon as Jefkin boarded the corvette, he gave the order to launch the ship. After the Tantive IV sped away, leaving the hangar behind, the security guard handed the datacard off to a woman who then took it to Captain Antilles.
The encounter with Vader, whose identity was unknown to him at the time, left Jefkin deeply disturbed. He recounted the event shortly after in a meeting with the Tantive IV's senior officers and Organa as they deliberated on how to proceed with delivering the Death Star plans.
As a member of the Alderaanian consular security, Jefkin was equipped with a DH-17 blaster pistol and wore the standard uniform, which included a service helmet with a flash visor and integrated comlink, along with a multi-pocketed spacer vest of Corellian design.
Christopher Patrick Nolan played Toshma Jefkin in the 2016 Star Wars Anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Nolan spent four days at Pinewood Studios for additional photography and reshoots, with his scenes being filmed over three days.
The character's name originated in Matt Forbeck's junior novelization of the film. With the consent of Jennifer Heddle and the Lucasfilm Story Group, Forbeck named the character as a tribute to his friend Jeff Mackintosh, a Star Wars enthusiast who had passed away from brain cancer in the fall of 2016.