Pinewood Studios

Pinewood Studios entrance Located roughly 32 km to the west of central London, in Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, stands the British film and television studio known as Pinewood Studios. Since The Walt Disney Company's 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm Ltd., every Star Wars movie has utilized this facility for its production needs.

Pinewood Studios was the site of construction for several sets featured in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. These sets included Exegol, Ajan Kloss, Kijimi City, and the interior of a Star Destroyer.

For the Andor television series, executive producer and writer Tony Gilroy aimed for maximum realism. To achieve this, production designer Luke Hull and his team frequently contemplated how they would approach the show's creation if it were a movie set in an ordinary town. This led to a largely practical production approach, with large, detailed sets erected at Pinewood and other locations throughout England. Gilroy stated that approximately 700 individuals were employed at Pinewood during the production. In August, Season 2's director, Ariel Kleiman, was at Pinewood, working hard to keep the series on track for a November start to filming. In November, Gilroy and a few directors were preparing for the start of production.


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