The DH-17 blaster pistol, a weapon frequently seen in close-quarters combat, was manufactured by BlasTech Industries as a type of blaster pistol.

Frequently, the Rebel Alliance's soldiers employed the DH-17 blaster pistol during shipboard engagements. Occasionally, officers within the Galactic Empire opted for it over the standard E-11 medium blaster rifles. A rifle variant, the DH-17 blaster rifle, incorporated a shoulder stock and precisely calibrated macroscopes. The color scheme of these rifles was black and silver.
The pistol worked reliably in semiautomatic mode, firing brief bursts. While it could be switched to fully automatic, the power cell would deplete in roughly 20 seconds, making this setting suitable only for emergencies. Its rapid firing rate and decent precision made it well-suited for engagements at medium distances.

The blaster was also a standard weapon for Imperial prison guards assigned to the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex. Baroosh Pawk, a member of the Cloud-Rider group, had a vibrobayonet attached to his DH-17 blaster pistol. Rodma Maddel, holding the rank of Corporal in Rogue One, carried a DH-17. Similarly, Private Farsin Kappehl utilized a modified version featuring an extended magazine and a spotting laser.
During the Galactic Civil War, many rebel troopers were equipped with DH-17 blaster pistols. During their run from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator to transmit the stolen Death Star plans to Alderaan, the Alliance members' ship, the CR90 corvette Tantive IV, was intercepted, and Imperial stormtroopers boarded. Rebel Fleet soldiers used DH-17 blasters to resist the enemy boarders, but were ultimately overcome by the Imperial forces. Bodhi Rook, who helped steal the plans from Scarif, was also armed with a DH-17 blaster.
The Death Star Troopers, who were attacked by Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca on the First Death Star, were armed with DH-17 blasters. They were defeated when Chewbacca pretended to escape from Han and Luke and initiated a chaotic fight in the detention center. Following the destruction of the Death Star, Cylo's marines employed the blaster to defend Cylo's whale fleet. Approximately three and a half years later, rebel soldiers used the DH-17 during the defense of Echo Base in the Battle of Hoth, including Leia Organa Solo.

During the Battle at Elessia, rebel troopers armed with DH-17s attempted to hold an airlock against an Imperial boarding party, but they were quickly repelled by explosive charges set by stormtroopers under the command of Commander Ellian Zahra. Zahra and her troops then engaged any surviving rebels. Some Alliance troopers used DH-17s during the Battle of Endor, including Admiral Ackbar, who commanded the Alliance fleet. The N5 sentry droids used these blasters while guarding the prisoners on the prisontransport, the Bothan-5. During a rescue, the bounty hunter Din Djarin seized one of the droid’s DH-17s and used it to blast a hole in its head. Roughly thirty years after the Battle of Endor, a resident of Niima Outpost on Jakku was seen using a restored DH-17.
The DH-17 blaster pistols made their debut in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The designation "DH-17" was first officially established in canon within Ultimate Star Wars, a reference publication released on April 28, 2015. Similar to the E-11, the prop designs were inspired by the Sterling L2A3 submachine gun, and incorporated elements of the BSA Machine Carbine.