A macroscope, sometimes referred to as macroscope sight, functioned as a common optical enhancement on various blaster type weapons. It provided magnification to improve aiming accuracy when firing.
Phasma's blaster rifle, a customized F-11D blaster rifle from Sonn-Blas used by the First Order Captain Phasma, incorporated a macroscope sight. This enhanced the blaster rifle's capabilities with eight-times magnification and improved visibility in low-light conditions. In contrast, standard F-11D blaster rifles, issued to First Order stormtroopers, used an adjustable J19 electroscope. The modified version used by First Order Snowtroopers also included anti-fogging filaments.
The smuggler Han Solo's heavy blaster pistol, a customized BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, featured a detachable Zoltwen D3x macroscope. The EL-16HFE blaster rifle also came equipped with an adjustable macroscope. Orson Callan Krennic's DT-29 heavy blaster pistol was uniquely outfitted with a macroscope. Tobias Beckett's DG-29 heavy blaster pistol included a macroscope that magnified images for the purpose of long-range targeting.