The EL-16HFE blaster rifle, alternatively referred to as the EL-16 heavy field blaster, represented a blaster rifle design produced by BlasTech Industries.

The EL-16HFE, which was the Heavy Field Edition of the smaller EL-16 blaster rifle, saw use with the New Republic. However, by the time of the Resistance's conflict against the First Order, some thirty years following the Battle of Endor, it was considered obsolete surplus. In comparison to the standard model, this rifle was larger, incorporating both a stock and an extended barrel. This rifle was equipped with a gas reservoir stock, a macroscope adjustment control, and a galven-circuitry barrel tip that could be removed.
Following its service with the New Republic, the EL-16 HFE was later adopted by the Resistance Army during the Cold War opposing the [First Order](/article/first_order], although by this point it was regarded as outdated surplus. Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance Starfighter Corps used an EL-16HFE during the attack on the village of Tuanul found on Jakku. Both it and the smaller variant saw action later on during the Battle of Crait.