Blaster rifle
Blaster rifles represented a class of weaponry that surpassed blaster pistols and other blasters in both size and destructive capability. Various factions employed them. As an example, E-11 medium blaster rifles were the standard armament for stormtroopers within the Imperial Army. Due to financial constraints that prevented large-scale weapon manufacturing, the Alliance to Restore the Republic utilized a diverse array of blasters; however, the A280 blaster rifle served as their primary, standard-issue rifle.
The E-11 medium blaster rifle was the weapon most commonly used by Imperial stormtroopers.
Pulse cannons represented a powerful category of blaster rifles. Assault rifles were designed as modular variants of the standard blaster rifle. Longblasters were engineered to deliver exceptional power and accuracy at extended ranges. Boiler rifles were classified as illegal weapons. Stun rifles functioned as both a type of blaster rifle and a non-lethal stun device. Several weapons, including the Relby-v10 micro grenade launcher, blaster spear, bo-rifle, and the SP-B50 blaster rifle, were designed as blaster hybrids.
The length of blaster rifles varied, ranging from the shorter E-11 and DC-15A blaster carbine models to the extended A280 and DC-15 designs. Typically, rifles were equipped with a scope, a fully automatic firing capability, and some form of stock. Additional types of blaster rifles encompassed blaster carbines, heavy blaster rifles, light repeating blasters, and sniper rifles.