The A280 blaster rifle functioned as a blaster rifle type, frequently employed by Rebel Alliance troopers and New Republic soldiers. The A280 blaster had two versions: the A280C and the A280-CFE. Both were preferred by commandos and special forces within the Rebel Alliance.

The A280, known for its reliability, excelled at penetrating armor and delivered greater power at extended ranges compared to other blaster rifles. It was equipped with a power charge system and an integrated muzzle compensator. The A280-CFE (covert field edition) represented a modular iteration of the A280, featuring a central pistol that could be transformed into either an assault rifle or a sniper rifle.
During the closing years of the Galactic Republic, A280 blaster rifles saw widespread use among local planetary defense forces. This made them easily accessible on the black market, facilitating their acquisition by the Rebel Alliance. Consequently, the Alliance began utilizing the weapon throughout their fight against the Galactic Empire, who also used them on occasion.
During the Battle of Hoth, a significant number of rebel troopers were equipped with A280 blaster rifles to delay the advancing Imperial forces, allowing evacuation transports to escape. The bounty hunter Imara Vex employed a uniquely modified A280 blaster rifle named the Firestorm Rifle, which she was able to use as a sniper rifle. It had a color scheme of black and red with an orange pattern. Major Lokmarcha utilized an A280 during Operation Yellow Moon. Two A280s were mounted on a wall of the second Death Star's overbridge.

The Alliance also made extensive use of these rifles during the Battle of Endor when launching their assault on the second Death Star. The group troops stationed on Endor were assigned the task of infiltrating and destroying the Death Star's shield generator. Rebel soldiers such as Musmuris Reetgeet carried A280s when they seized the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Glaciate in the Battle of Jakku.
Hondo Ohnaka, the pirate, later mentioned the A280 in his book Galactic Explorer's Guide, noting that it was a common weapon seen among the rebels on both Hoth and Endor.
The A280 blaster rifle was initially featured in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back as a prop weapon used by the Rebel Alliance. While its name wasn't explicitly stated in the film, the reference book Ultimate Star Wars, released on April 28, 2015, confirmed "A280 blaster rifle" as the official canon name for this weapon. In Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure, it is referenced as an A-280. Certain components of the A280 bear resemblance to the real-world AR-15, particularly the receiver.
In Star Wars Battlefront II, the A280 utilizes the STG 44 model, which was previously associated with the A280C blaster rifle, and it fires in a three-shot burst. Conversely, the A280C employs the AR-15 model that was previously linked to the A280.