Resistance Army

The Resistance Army served as the ground forces division of the Resistance, a military organization established by General Leia Organa. Its purpose was to defend the New Republic after the government declined to acknowledge the threat posed by the First Order and its goals to rebuild the Galactic Empire. This army participated in conflicts such as the Battle of Crait and the Battle of Exegol.


The Resistance Army functioned as the terrestrial combat arm of the Resistance, an independent group committed to the protection of the New Republic and the preservation of democracy and freedom. Its headquarters were located at the Resistance base on D'Qar. The Officer ranks within the army included positions such as Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Commander, Colonel, and General. High-ranking members of the Resistance army could be identified by a badge featuring red markings. Due to the Resistance's limited resources and personnel, there was often a rotation of duties between individuals serving in both the Resistance army and the Resistance navy.


The Resistance troopers formed the backbone of the Resistance army, which also included specialized units like the rocket-jumpers, Wookiee warriors, medics, and scouts. During combat, the army was typically under the command of military officers. Due to the scarcity of skilled personnel, it was common for individuals to switch between service branches. An example of this was during the evacuation of D'Qar, where soldiers aboard the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus were assigned to shipboard security as bridge guard. Later, the navy reciprocated by providing pilots to operate army V-4X-D ski speeders during the Battle of Crait.

Vehicles and machinery

Artillery emplacement on Crait.

The Resistance army possessed a variety of artillery installations, including the V-120 artillery emplacement, the V-232 artillery emplacement, and the DF.12 Com Turret.

Furthermore, the army utilized planetary shield generators. The Resistance army's vehicle inventory included V-4X-D ski speeders, Gian-211 patrol speeders, repurposed Imperial All Terrain Scout Transports, and stolen vehicles such as the 125-Z treadspeeder bike and the Light Infantry Utility Vehicle.

Weapons and equipment

Resistance army personnel were armed with both blaster pistols and blaster rifles. Among the blaster pistol models used were DT-15 blaster pistols, Glie-44 blaster pistols, and DH-17 blaster pistols. The Resistance also had a limited supply of NN-14 blaster pistols. Rifle models included the EL-16 blaster rifles, EL-16HFE blaster rifles, DH-17 blaster rifles, and "Roba" M-45 repeating ion blasters.

In addition to firearms, members of the Resistance army were equipped with thermal detonators, comlinks, TE4.4 field quadnoculars, and RM-45 ammunition and tool pouches.


Soon after the First Order employed its superweapon, Starkiller Base, to destroy the [Hosnian system](/article/hosnian_system], which served as the capital of the New Republic, Resistance forces engaged First Order forces on Takodana. This engagement aimed to secure BB-8, a BB-series astromech droid carrying the map to Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi. The Resistance Army's soldiers distinguished themselves in combat and successfully escorted General [Leia Organa](/article/leia_skywalker_organa_solo] to the planet's surface. Ultimately, Resistance forces recovered BB-8.

The remnants of the Resistance army at the Battle of Crait.

Following the Resistance Starfighter Corps's successful mission to destroy Starkiller Base, the Resistance suffered significant losses during the Evacuation of D'Qar and the subsequent chase through hyperspace by the First Order Navy. During this pursuit, Resistance troopers were assigned to the bridge of the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus to provide security in case of any disorder. After evacuating the Raddus, the remaining members of the Resistance sought refuge in a former Rebel Alliance outpost on the planet Crait, transported in six U-55 orbital loadlifters.

When First Order ground forces under the command of the new Supreme Leader Kylo Ren landed on Crait with the intention of eliminating the Resistance, Resistance soldiers under General Caluan Ematt defended the trenches outside the Resistance outpost. During the Battle of Crait, the Resistance deployed V-4X-D ski speeders against the First Order's walkers, but were forced to retreat by the First Order's superlaser siege cannon. While the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker distracted Ren, the surviving members of the Resistance military escaped aboard the Millennium Falcon with the last Jedi Rey and Chewbacca.

After escaping from Crait, the Resistance personnel aboard the Falcon sought shelter within the Ryloth Defense Authority's base on the planet Ryloth, where they regrouped and sought allies until being discovered by the First Order. Forced to flee again, the Resistance eventually established a camp on the planet Anoat, a base on the planet Batuu, and a base on the world of Pacara before finally establishing a new base on the planet Ajan Kloss. By the time of the blockade of Kashyyyk, historian Beaumont Kin had joined the Resistance, serving as both an army trooper and a member of Resistance Intelligence. Poe Dameron and Finn also attained the rank of General within the Resistance hierarchy. During the Battle of Exegol, General Finn led a landing party consisting of Resistance soldiers, Company 77, and orbaks in an assault on the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast, which was coordinating the Sith Eternal's fleet, known as the Final Order. Their actions played a crucial role in thwarting Darth Sidious's plans to create a new Sith Empire.

