Tobias Beckett

Tobias Beckett functioned as a professional thief and gunslinger of the human male persuasion. He was employed by the Crimson Dawn criminal organization during the Galactic Empire's initial reign. As a native to Glee Anselm, Beckett assembled a crew to assist in his criminal endeavors. In time, he took Han Solo, a youthful mudtrooper who became a member of Beckett's group, under his wing as a mentor.


Early life

On the planet of Glee Anselm is where Tobias Beckett born. It was around 13 BBY when he encountered Aurra Sing, the bounty hunter, and precipitated her death. Beckett later mentioned Sing's demise while conversing with Lando Calrissian, although he asserted that he merely shoved Sing and that the fall was the cause of her death.

Cato Neimoidia heist

The Smuggler's Guide, which Qi'ra had previously owned, was discovered by Val inside the crate that the gang had pilfered from the freight platform located in Zarra on Cato Neimoidia. Following a brief investigation on Cato Neimoidia, Beckett and his gang devised a scheme to seize a Railcrawler conveyex that was believed to be transporting Crimson Dawn merchandise. The strategy involved intercepting the conveyex prior to its arrival at Tarko-se.

Hovun IV heist

Beckett and his gang on Hovun IV

Beckett and his associates journeyed to Hovun IV for a task commissioned by Crimson Dawn. There, Beckett, impersonating a death priest, feigned using the Force choke on Rio Durant to frighten several sabacc participants away from Durant's game. After the players had departed, Beckett commended Durant for successfully executing the ruse. Beckett inquired of Val whether she had affixed the tracker to Dvorad, to which she confirmed. To steal identichips, Beckett and his crew proceeded to the dock to locate Dvorad. Beckett managed to leap onto Dvorad's speeder, strike him, and reach Dvorad's ship.

Dvorad and his ship held Beckett and his gang at gunpoint until a creature launched an assault. While his gang and Dvorad battled the creature, Beckett boarded the ship and fought his way past Dvorad's guards. Once aboard, Beckett located the chips and returned to Val and Durant to make their escape before the creature dragged Dvorad's ship into the depths. As they departed, Beckett dismissed Durant's suggestion to retain some of the chips instead of handing them all over to Dryden Vos, the leader of Crimson Dawn. Following this, Beckett summoned the Rampart and they departed Hovun IV.

Beckett confronted by Nest and several of her Cloud-Riders

As the Rampart journeyed towards Munt Ontdal, Beckett contemplated how to sever ties with Crimson Dawn. Upon landing on Munt Ontdal, Beckett rode his speeder to meet with Vos. However, a group of thieves wielding knife attacked him. Suspecting a setup, Beckett attempted to flee but was incapacitated by Enfys Nest, the leader of the Cloud-Riders. Val informed Beckett that Nest had fabricated the mission, despite his awareness that Vos would arrive shortly. To prevent Nest from acquiring the chips, Beckett detonated them along with the Rampart. Although he wanted to eliminate Nest, Beckett was persuaded to let them go for the day. As stormtroopers confronted Beckett and his gang, he fabricated a story, claiming that the explosion was caused by black market radioactive fuel. Beckett, Val, and Durant then chose to revive their death priest scheme.

Undercover on Mimban

Beckett disguised as an Imperial officer on Mimban

Some time later, Beckett, Durant, and Val, his lover, made their way to Mimban, where the Galactic Empire was engaged in a campaign against the Mimbanese Liberation Army. Beckett adopted the guise of a captain in the Imperial Army, while the others posed as Imperial Army soldiers (specifically, "mudtrooper" variants). At one point during a battle, Beckett inquired about the commanding officer, given that their commanding officer had recently died. Han Solo, a mudtrooper belonging to the 224th Imperial Armored Division, informed Beckett that he held the highest rank among the officer present, which amused his comrades. Beckett successfully guided the Imperials through the battle.

Later, while observing an AT-hauler, he was approached by the young Solo, who expressed his desire to join their crew. However, when Solo persisted by threatening to expose Beckett as an impostor, Beckett exploited his false rank to have Solo locked up for desertion. Solo was placed in a chamber, intended as a feeding ground for the Wookiee Chewbacca. Solo ultimately managed to escape alongside Chewbacca. Beckett departed with his crew, absconding with the AT-hauler they had been observing. However, during their takeoff, they noticed Solo and Chewbacca running towards them, signaling for them to be allowed onto the ship. Beckett instructed Durant to lower the hauler, allowing Solo and Chewbacca to board.

Vandor heist

Beckett received instructions to retrieve a crate containing coaxium from a 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport located on the planet Vandor; he embarked on this mission alongside Val, Durant, Solo, and Chewbacca.

Beckett converting his DL-44 rifle into a pistol before giving it to Solo.

Upon their arrival at Vandor, the crew shared dinner over a campfire and engaged in a brief discussion regarding Solo's and Chewbacca's motivations for participating in the mission. Solo simply stated that there was someone he left on Corellia and that he wanted to return there to free her from her horrible life there. Val stated that everyone needed someone, even Beckett. Beckett began deconstructing one of his blasters and chucked it to Solo.

In the morning, Beckett, Val, and Solo observed the transport carrying the coaxium, as well as some patrolling viper droids, while discussing the plan for the heist. The conveyex was moving towards a bridge over a ravine. The plan was for Val to place explosives on the supports of the bridge. The other members of the crew were to board the conveyex and attach cables from the carriage which contained the coaxium to their ship. Then, as the conveyex neared the bridge, Val was to destroy the bridge while the crew disconnected the coaxium carriage from the rest of the conveyex, allowing the ship to lift the target carriage away while the rest of the conveyex fell to the bottom of the ravine. Val noted that if the viper droids were alerted, the heist would become much more difficult, prompting Solo to also survey the viper droids.

Beckett's ship above the conveyex

Soon the heist began. Val went further up the track to place thermal detonators, Durant flew their ship over the transport, and Beckett, Solo and Chewbacca leapt aboard the transport. They opened up a hatch and gazed upon the coaxium inside, enough to power a whole fleet. A fight ensued with range troopers aboard the transport, but Chewbacca disconnected the troopers' portion of the conveyex, leaving them behind as the rest of the conveyex moved onwards. The crew then connected four cables from their ship to the last carriage of the conveyex in order to lift it.

The heist did not proceed smoothly, however, as Val spotted the Cloud-Riders, led by Nest, moving towards the conveyex. One Cloud-Rider boarded the crew's ship and had a brief firefight with Durant, who was gravely injured, diminishing his ability to pilot the ship. Val was surrounded by a swarm of viper droids. She told Beckett over the comm how much she loved him, and detonated the explosives while still near them. Solo took Durant's place as pilot and tried carrying the shipment with only one cable attached to the carriage. Nest and the Cloud-Riders had cut off the other three and replaced them with their own. Shortly, Durant perished too.

Chewbacca uncoupled the carriage from the others so that they could lift the shipment off the tracks. Solo and the Cloud-Riders had to eventually lift the shipment, for they were running out of track. Both tried to take the shipment with them but failed as they were both pulling opposite directions. As both Solo and the Cloud-Riders neared a mountain, Solo detached the shipment of coaxium, fearing a crash. The Cloud-Riders did so as well. The coaxium was lost. After they landed, Beckett made tombstones in remembrance of his fallen comrades.

Han and Beckett promising to retrieve unrefined coaxium from Kessel

He reported to Vos and was able to avoid execution by promising to retrieve unrefined coaxium from Kessel. Beckett had to make room for Qi'ra on his crew in accordance with Vos' wishes.

Mission to Kessel

Beckett, impersonating a guard named Tuul, was taken to Kessel by Calrissian and L3-37 on the Millennium Falcon, and he successfully obtained the required quantity of coaxium. With his accomplices, he then traveled to Savareen so the unstable material could be refined and they could rendezvous with Vos. During the mission, Beckett posed as a guard for Qi'ra, directing the fake captives, Solo and Chewie, out of the Falcon. He later followed Qi'ra, L3, Quay Tolsite, a Pyke who administered the Pyke Syndicate's operations on Kessel, and his guards. While Qi'ra went into another room to negotiate with Tolsite, Beckett took out the guards, then watched Qi'ra fight Tolsite.

Beckett escaping Kessel with his crew

After a moment of unnerving silence from the room, he opened the door, only to be astonished to see Tolsite lying on the floor with Qi'ra walking out of the room telling him that Vos had taught her Teräs Käsi. Once they got to the consoles to help Solo get to the vault of coaxium, L3 freed some slave droids, who also freed the other slaves in the mine. The slaves rebelled against the guards, allowing Beckett and the others to escape aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Refinery on Savareen and death

Beckett taking Chewbacca as prisoner

On Savareen, Beckett revealed his true nature to Solo, Qi'ra, and Chewbacca. After Solo had told Beckett their plan, Beckett reported to Vos. When they met Vos, Vos surprised the team by announcing that the coaxium was fake, which he knew because of his "inside man," whom Solo assumed to be Qi'ra but was indeed Beckett. He had informed Vos of Solo's plan to sell the real shipment to the Cloud-Riders, a rebellion group led by Nest. Solo announced that he anticipated Beckett's deception—the coaxium they were holding was real.

Beckett dies in Han Solo's arms.

Beckett betrayed the three and abandoned Vos. He attempted to take the coaxium for himself, but as he explained his motives, he was shot by Solo. Before passing away, Beckett praised Solo for his actions in addition to revealing that he actually planned to return to Glee Anselm and learn to play the valachord.


Qi'ra informed Maul, the Zabrak and former Sith Lord who secretly controlled Crimson Dawn, of Vos's death and attributed it to Beckett immediately after Solo left the First Light, before he killed Beckett. She was unaware that Beckett had been killed by the man she loved. Maul, enraged, ordered her to go to Dathomir so they could work more closely, and promised that he would think what to do with the traitorous Beckett, unaware that Beckett was no longer alive. After reuniting with Calrissian and winning the Millennium Falcon as his own in a game of sabacc, Solo recalled Beckett having spoken about a job for a big-shot gangster on Tatooine. For the next several years, Solo and Chewbacca found themselves in the employ of that gangster, Jabba Desilijic Tiure of the Hutt Clan, though Solo never forgot the lessons and betrayals of his late mentor. Memories of their final encounter on Savareen in particular came back to Solo during a job on Corellia, when he encountered a man who claimed to be his father. Now knowing that trust was a valuable commodity, Solo remained wary of the man's intentions.

Personality and traits

A capable gunslinger and professional [thief](/article/thief], Beckett was a human. Beckett was a survivor who quietly worked out angles that enabled him to come out ahead. Although he betrays Han and Chewbacca, he genuinely cares for Val and Rio. Beckett is great at manipulating people and improvising during tough situations during the Mimban Campaign, Beckett manages to convince several mudtroopers that he is the "captain" after Solo points it out and shows remarkable leadership skills that lead to the Imperial victory.

Skills and abilities

In combat, Beckett demonstrated his proficiency with blasters, often wielding two simultaneously to eliminate numerous adversaries on Mimban. Beckett was a skilled gunslinger with incredible accuracy and was an extremely fast quick draw as he quickly killed many Mimbans soldiers, several Pyke sentinels, and two of Vos' guards in a quick sensation. Although in hand-to-hand combat, Beckett was no match for Enfys Nest as seen during the Vandor heist. Beckett was also a capable leader.


Various blasters were among Beckett's armaments, such as the RSKF-44 heavy blaster holstered on his right side and DG-29 heavy blaster pistol holstered on his left side. He also owned a collapsible blade/fusioncutter and a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, which he gave it to Solo. Beckett's DL-44 could also be reconfigured into a blaster rifle. On the Falcon, Beckett also had a A280-CFE convertible heavy blaster pistol in a backpack and spare RSKF-44 and DG-29 both had a black coloration.

Behind the scenes

Woody Harrelson

Woody Harrelson played Tobias Beckett in Solo: A Star Wars Story, a Star Wars Anthology film released in 2018. Initially, fans speculated that Harrelson would portray Garris Shrike, Han Solo's mentor from the Star Wars Legends continuity who debuted in A. C. Crispin's The Han Solo Trilogy book series. However, Harrelson debunked this theory by revealing Beckett's name on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

According to screenwriters Lawrence Kasdan and Jon Kasdan, Beckett's character draws inspiration from Long John Silver, the primary antagonist in Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel Treasure Island. Beckett's later betrayal was meant to rhyme the moment of 1977 original trilogy film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope in which Han Solo returns during the Battle of Yavin to aid Luke Skywalker in destroying the Death Star, as in both movies, the cynical and older character reluctantly departs and then suddenly returns, though in Beckett's case, it was for betrayal rather than for heroic nature.

Before Harrelson's casting, Christian Bale was in the mix to play Beckett, but despite feeling tempted by the offer due to liking the Star Wars franchise since his childhood and having a strong relationship with Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and her husband Frank Marshall since Steven Spielberg's 1987 film Empire of the Sun, Bale didn't take the part though he expressed interest to participate in further discussions. Harrelson almost turned down the offer to play Beckett due to wishing to spend more time with his family, but accepted the role upon learning of Phoebe Waller-Bridge's casting as L3-37, as he was a fan of Waller-Bridge's Fleabag tragicomedy series.

Throughout the production of Solo, Beckett's first name was Mattias, as reflected in early printings of The Art of Solo: A Star Wars Story by Phil Szostak. However, the character's name was changed to Tobias late in production; this was corrected for more recent printings of The Art of Solo: A Star Wars Story.

