Hovun IV, also known as simply Hovun, was the planet of operation for the criminal Dvorad; it was notable for being covered in light purple oceans. While present on the planet, the thief Tobias Beckett and his crew pilfered a cache of blank identichips from Dvorad.
Hovun IV, or simply Hovun, a planet characterized by its purple oceans and landmasses, occupied the fourth orbital position within a star system that had a single sun. Beneath the water's surface lurked a species of tentacled creature.
Tasked with a job by the supposed Dryden Vos, the leader of Crimson Dawn, the thief Tobias Beckett and his crew journeyed to Hovun IV to locate the Pantoran criminal Dvorad. Dvorad's ship was rumored to contain a supply of blank identichips, which had become incredibly valuable due to the increasing control of trade routes by the Galactic Empire.

To discover the location where Dvorad's ship was hidden, Beckett positioned his crew in a cantina, where Rio Durant participated in a sabacc game. Beckett entered the cantina disguised as a death priest, donning a cloak and feigning a Force choke on Durant. The other patrons fled the cantina, allowing Beckett's partner Val to attach a tracker to Dvorad, who then escaped and boarded a speeder. Beckett then leapt onto the speeder to confront Dvorad, while Val and Durant sought out another vehicle. The crew eventually converged at the location of Dvorad's ship, which the Pantoran summoned from the water while holding Beckett's crew at blasterpoint. Beckett then prompted a creature to emerge from the water and seize the ship, using the chaos to steal the identichips. After acquiring the cargo, Beckett and his crew departed Hovun IV aboard their starship Rampart, making their way to the space station Munt Ontdal.
Hovun IV made its debut appearance in Beckett 1, a canon comic penned by Gerry Duggan and featuring artwork by Marc Laming, Edgar Salazar, and Will Sliney. It was released on August 15, 2018.