Heist on Hovun IV

Tobias Beckett and his team embarked on a theft on the world Hovun IV with the intention of acquiring identichips from the crime boss Dvorad. The truth was that Enfys Nest had given them the assignment, deceiving Beckett into the belief that Crimson Dawn's leader, Dryden Vos, was the one who tasked them with the job.


Beckett's group, struggling after their last assignment for Crimson Dawn, received a coded message they thought came from Dryden Vos, ordering them to seize a batch of blank identichips. However, Vos was not the sender; Enfys Nest orchestrated the assignment as a trap for Beckett.

The heist

Tracking Dvorad

Beckett and his crew decided to target the Pantoran criminal Dvorad, known to have a stock of blank ID chips on his vessel. Unfortunately, the team couldn't locate any information about the ship, so they formulated a plan to have Dvorad lead them to it. Beckett's gang journeyed to Hovun IV, and Rio Durant joined a sabacc game in a cantina where Dvorad was present. During the game, Beckett, disguised in a cloak, entered the establishment. Several patrons noticed him, mistaking him for a mythical death priest. Beckett pretended to use a Force choke on Durant, who acted as if he had been killed. Val, nearby, shouted for everyone to evacuate while secretly attaching a tracker to Dvorad.

After the other customers had departed, Beckett and his crew trailed Dvorad, who had spotted them and tried to escape on a speeder. Beckett pursued Dvorad, managing to jump onto his speeder. As Rio and Val searched for another vehicle, Beckett fought with Dvorad, taking away his blaster and pushing him towards the edge of the speeder. Dvorad, dangerously close to his speeder's engine intake, instructed his Tognath pilot to power down the vehicle. Rio and Val caught up, having commandeered another speeder. Beckett aimed his blaster at Dvorad, demanding the ID chips, but Val interrupted him, pointing out an object rising from the water. The object turned out to be Dvorad's ship, hidden underwater.

Skirmish at Dvorad's ship

With the ship's weapons trained on Beckett and his crew, Dvorad threatened to eliminate them, demanding to know who had betrayed him. As Val attempted to explain, Beckett bit Dvorad's arm, letting the blood drip into the water, which awakened a tentacled creature. The creature emerged from the water, attacking Dvorad's ship. While Dvorad was preoccupied, Beckett jumped into his ship to locate the identichips. The creature seized Dvorad, throwing the Pantoran into its mouth, killing him. Beckett shot down several of Dvorad's crew, found the captain's quarters, and retrieved the crate of blank ID chips. While trying to escape the ship, he was shot at by a crew member, but the shot ricocheted off the crate and struck the Talpini who fired it.

Beckett exited the ship as the creature breached the cockpit, killing the pilot. Beckett rejoined his crew, who watched as the creature dragged Dvorad's ship underwater. Beckett radioed D-1G, his pilot droid, instructing it to bring in the Rampart. The crew departed Hovun IV, and Val retransmitted Dryden's message.


Rio flew the Rampart towards the space station Munt Ontdal, landing on Pad Nineteen. Beckett disembarked on a 74-Z speeder bike, instructing Durant to activate the ship's lights. After Rio complied, Beckett discovered he was confronted by several individuals, poised to attack him. Beckett shot two of them and crashed his speeder bike into a third, informing his crew of the setup. Lamenting the loss of his bike, he was struck on the head with an electroripper staff, knocking him down. The staff belonged to Enfys Nest, who stood behind Beckett with her Cloud-Riders.

As Beckett threatened Nest, claiming his friends had the ship's guns trained on her, more Cloud-Riders led Rio and Val out of the Rampart. Changing his approach, Beckett tried to threaten Enfys with Dryden Vos's potential arrival, but Val realized Dryden wasn't coming, as Nest had orchestrated the entire mission, and they had been deceived. Enfys confirmed Val's statement and inquired about the location of the ID chips. Rather than allow Enfys to acquire the ID chips, Beckett used a detonator to destroy the Rampart. The explosion pushed both Beckett's crew and Nest's Cloud-Riders aside, and Beckett attempted to find and kill Enfys. Val dissuaded him, warning that security would arrive. As they escaped, several stormtroopers approached, inquiring about the incident. Beckett claimed it was a ship using dangerous black market fuel, and the stormtroopers let them pass. The crew walked through the station, and Beckett exchanged a credit chip for another cloak, ready to try his "death wizard scam" once more.

