The following notable occurrences happened in the year 11 BBY. This year is also identified as 3266 LY according to the Lothal Calendar, and as year 7966 within the C.R.C. calendar system.
- The Galactic Empire carried out the annexation of Jelucan. [6]
- On Jelucan, the Galactic Empire brought in ridgecrawlers which then became the primary transport method, replacing the indigenous Muunyaks. [6]
- Gorse Conflict: Hera Syndulla, along with a group of rebels that included Kanan Jarrus, successfully thwarted Count Denetrius Vidian's scheme to obliterate Cynda. [2]
- Baron Lero Danthe assumed command of all mining activities within the Gorse system. [2]
- Rae Sloane was promoted to the rank of captain and given command of the Imperial Star Destroyer known as the Ultimatum. [2]
- Lonni Jung enlisted in the Imperial Security Bureau and began his ascent through its ranks. [11] [12]
- Lieutenant Gorn was a witness to the Eye of Aldhani. [13]
- Raid on Gargon [7]
- Temmin Wexley was born on the planet Akiva. [5]
- Enfys Nest's mother (Approximate date) [14]
- Enfys Nest's mother [15]
- Thetis Quelton passed away on Gilvaanen. [16]
- On Cynda [2] Okadiah Garson[2] Palfa[2] Yelkin[2]
- Denetrius Vidian and Skelly[2] perished aboard the Forager above Cynda [2]
- On Gorse [2] Lal Grallik[2] Gord Grallik[2]