This female character functioned as the parent of Enfys Nest and descended from a lineage of women dedicated to galactic protection. As the head of the pirate group called the Cloud-Riders, she was known for her unique armor and mask, which she eventually bequeathed to her daughter. She once recounted to Nest the story of mercenaries who repeatedly targeted a tranquil planet for its valuable resources, persisting until the inhabitants resisted. In response, the mercenaries cruelly severed the tongue of every person on the planet, regardless of age or sex. These mercenaries ultimately evolved into Crimson Dawn, a criminal organization among many that perpetrated heinous acts throughout the galaxy.
Following her introduction to Han Solo, Tobias Beckett, Chewbacca, and Qi'ra, Nest shared the story her mother had previously told her. When Beckett inquired about her intentions for the stolen coaxium from Kessel, Nest explained that she would utilize it in the same manner her mother would have, had she lived: to wage war against injustice.
The character of Enfys Nest's mother was initially referenced in the 2018 Star Wars Anthology movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story. The film's directors, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, provided Erin Kellyman, the actress portraying Enfys Nest, with details about Nest's mother, alongside other background information, to inform her portrayal of the character and provide context for Nest's development in Solo.