Following its second takeover of the planet, the Galactic Republic commenced its second period of control over the Outer Rim world known as Geonosis. The Galactic Empire, its subsequent governing body, maintained this control during the early years of the Imperial Era, up until the sterilization of Geonosis event.
[Geonosis](/article/geonosis], a planet situated within the Outer Rim Territories, served as the location for the initial conflict of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, the Republic's attempts at occupation were consistently challenged by the resistance of the native Geonosians. Ultimately, the Geonosians managed to defeat the Republic forces, renewing their allegiance to the Confederacy. This led to another Republic invasion, which culminated in a Republic victory following several days of combat.
After a skrimish involving Geonosian brain worms occurred on the medical frigate TB-73, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker came to believe that these worms were instrumental in the Geonosians' successful overthrow of the Republic's initial occupation. Consequently, he aimed to ensure that the clone troopers tasked with upholding the second occupation were informed about them.
The Republic focused its resources on maintaining control of the planet, rather than on establishing a government, and thus retained its hold as the war progressed. During this time, some Geonosian hives sought to oppose the occupiers and become the dominant force on Geonosis, while others actively aided the Republic in hopes of gaining power. Still other hives simply went into hiding. Simultaneously, Archduke Poggle the Lesser of Geonosis was held as a prisoner by the Republic. He was interrogated about a secret battle station program that would eventually become the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station. Lieutenant Commander Orson Callan Krennic orchestrated Poggle's release on the condition that he provide his Geonosian drones as a workforce for the Republic's project. However, Poggle instead utilized the drones to facilitate his escape from Geonosis and his return to the CIS.

Sometime between 20 BBY and 19 BBY, the conflict once more engulfed Geonosis. Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano and Clone Captain Rex, a clone trooper officer in Skywalker and Tano's elite 501st Legion, were deployed to oppose Separatist forces. As a Venator-class Star Destroyer and two Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships passed overhead, blaster fire filled the air. Tano, Skywalker, Kenobi, and Rex encountered at least two B1-series battle droids, who were frightened by their adversaries. One of the battle droids attempted to flee as Tano pursued them.
As the Clone Wars concluded with the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, the new regime continued its control over Geonosis, persisting in the use of Geonosians as laborers for the construction of the Death Star. Given that Poggle was amongst the Separatist leaders killed at the war's end, the Empire was able to assert complete dominance over the Geonosians. Although appointed by the hive queen, the newly appointed archduke lacked genuine authority over his own people. As construction progressed, however, a rogue queen within the Korakanni Mound initiated a rebellion against the Empire's control of Geonosis.

In response, Darth Vader, the Sith Lord and Sith identity of Anakin Skywalker, was sent to Geonosis. Upon discovering the truth, Vader led a squad of death troopers to the mound, where they confronted the rogue queen and her forces. During the subsequent skirmish, Vader and his troopers massacred the rogue Geonosians. This ensured the continued, secure construction of the Death Star over Geonosis. In addition to the Imperial technicians and Geonosians involved, tens of thousands of slaves were compelled to work on the station. By 14 BBY, the Death Star, finally equipped with functional engines, was capable of moving out of Geonosis's orbit and into deep space. Nevertheless, it returned to the Outer Rim planet to continue construction until approximately 9 BBY. As Saw Gerrera of the Partisans sought to uncover the Empire's major project, the Imperials decided to relocate the space station to the isolated planet of Scarif during the final phases of construction.
To maintain the secrecy of the Death Star, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin issued the order to wipe out the Geonosians. Using toxic bombs, the Imperial Military carried out this directive, resulting in the deaths of one hundred billion beings on Geonosis. The sole Geonosian survivor of this campaign was a drone later known as Klik-Klak, who protected a surviving queen egg in the hope of his people's return. However, the queen was in reality infertile. The sterilization marked the termination of the Empire's presence on Geonosis, with the Imperials even attempting to erase all traces of their activities. Consequently, the only remnants of the occupation were the ICM-092792 construction modules and debris scattered across the desolate planet. Within a few months, the Death Star was positioned above Scarif.