The ICM-092792, alternatively identified as an Imperial construction module, construction sphere, Imperial reclamation plant, or orbital command habitat, represented a type of expansive space station. These stations were produced by the Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective and utilized by the Galactic Empire during construction endeavors. Outfitted with multiple crane arms, these modules housed all the necessary data, resources, and blueprints pertaining to a specific project's development. The Command Center erected by the Empire in the capital of the planet Lothal shared the same design principles as these construction modules, as did Yarma's Reklam Station.
Several constructions modules were used during construction of the Death Star.
A number of these construction modules played a supporting role in the construction of the Death Star while it was in orbit around the planet Geonosis. The Death Star was eventually relocated to Scarif. In the period three years prior to the Battle of Yavin, these spheres in orbit around Geonosis were discovered by the rebellion, a collection of cells aiming to topple the Empire. As a result, the rebel crew of the Ghost were sent to retrieve the sphere's databanks, with the hope that they held information regarding the Empire's activities on Geonosis. This particular module, however, had been out of service for some time, and the rebels unwittingly walked into an Imperial trap; upon entering the base, the freedom fighters were ambushed by Agent Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau and several squads of stormtroopers.
Grand Admiral Thrawn made use of construction modules above Lothal, in conjunction with his 7th Fleet, to oversee his mining operations in that location. Captain Hera Syndulla of the Spectres successfully breached the blockade of Lothal by initiating a jump to hyperspace from the hangar of one of the construction modules, resulting in the destruction of docked starships and inflicting damage to the station itself.