Reklam Station

Reklam Station, situated in the Yarma system within the galaxy and specifically orbiting within the atmosphere of the planet Yarma, functioned as a clandestine Imperial reclamation plant. This facility's purpose was to disassemble, recover materials from, and ultimately destroy a multitude of obsolete Galactic Republic starships, including Y-wing light bombers.

In the year 2 BBY, the Weequay pirate known as Hondo Ohnaka divulged both the whereabouts and function of Reklam Station to the early rebellion against the Empire. Recognizing the potential value of the Y-wings in establishing a strike fleet, the rebels opted to initiate a reconnaissance mission to corroborate the information provided by Ohnaka. Upon their arrival, the rebels observed that the destruction of the vessels was proceeding at a rapid pace. Consequently, Lieutenant Commander Ezra Bridger adjusted the mission's objective, instructing the rest of the group to infiltrate the station and seize as many Y-wings as possible. Successfully avoiding detection by the station's technicians, the rebels made a landing on the plant's underside and commenced the process of refueling the starfighters. However, before they could make their escape, a DTS-series Dismantler Droid discovered the rebels, and the bombers were subsequently locked down. In response, Bridger ascended to the control tower, neutralizing stormtroopers along his path, and confronted the station's commander, Brom Titus. Upon learning that Titus had deliberately sabotaged the control unit, Bridger proceeded to cut off the station's power supply, which resulted in the release of the fighters and the facility's catastrophic plunge towards its eventual annihilation.


Y-wings being transported to Reklam Station's furnace for incineration

Reklam Station served as a covert Imperial reclamation plant, orbiting within the atmosphere of Yarma, a planet located in the Yarma system of the galaxy. Functioning as a salvage yard, Reklam Station was utilized by the Galactic Empire—the successor state to the Galactic Republic—as a location where a multitude of outdated Republic starships, such as Y-wing light bombers, were dismantled by specialized droids to recover their hyperdrives. Following the salvage process, the starships were conveyed along a conveyor to a furnace for incineration, with the remaining debris expelled through a chute located at the rear.

The station itself was a modified Imperial construction module. The main, dome-shaped structure featured a control tower at its apex, a substantial hangar bisecting the bottom, and a repulsorlift array extending from its underside. A lengthy platform, aligned with the hangar, protruded from the module's side, adorned with cranes, control interfaces, and fuel tanks. The facility's conveyor ran the platform's length, equipped with magnetic locks to secure vessels when necessary, and culminated in the furnace.

Dismantler droids, the specialized droids responsible for dismantling starships at Reklam Station, also served as a security measure for the facility. These droids, suspended in a dormant state around the station, were programmed to activate and alert the control tower upon a perimeter breach, before directly engaging any intruders.


Age of the Empire

Sometime between 4 BBY and 2 BBY, Brom Titus was reassigned to Reklam Station, having been demoted from admiral to commander as a consequence of his failure to apprehend a group of rebels and prevent them from destroying the Imperial Interdictor.

Rebel infiltration

The rebels refuel the Y-wings in preparation for their escape

During a briefing held at the secret base of the Phoenix Cell, Hondo Ohnaka, the Weequay pirate who had recently been rescued from Naraka prison by the Spectres, a rebel group, informed the insurgents about Reklam Station and its complement of Y-wing bombers. This information originated from Ohnaka's cellmate, Terba, an Ugnaught worker who had escaped from the plant but was killed during the prison break. Recognizing the potential value of the Y-wings in forming a strike fleet, the rebels decided to launch a reconnaissance mission to confirm the veracity of Ohnaka's information.

Upon their arrival at the planet, the rebels scanned the station and discovered that the Y-wings housed there were being destroyed at an alarming rate. Opting not to waste time contacting rebel command, Lieutenant Commander Ezra Bridger issued the order to proceed to the station with the intention of stealing the bombers themselves. Seconds later, their ship, the Phantom, was attacked by dismantler droids guarding the salvage yard. After successfully destroying the droids, the rebels evaded the station's scanners and landed on the underside of the conveyor platform. With the goal of deactivating the conveyor and halting the destruction of the Y-wings, the rebels encountered three Ugnaught slave laborers, whom Hondo Ohnaka managed to persuade to shut off the conveyor in exchange for their freedom.

While the rebels were refueling the ships, one of the dismantler droids detected the rebel Sabine Wren and alerted the station's commander, Brom Titus, who subsequently dispatched a unit of stormtroopers and overrode control of the conveyor, activating its magnetic locks. In response, the rebels Bridger and Rex proceeded to the control tower to shut off the conveyor and release the starfighters. However, before they could reach their destination, they observed Wren and Zeb Orrelios being attacked by a dismantler droid, prompting Bridger to instruct Rex to assist them while he continued to the control room. Taking control of one of the platform's cranes, Rex attempted to disable the droid and, after a brief struggle, managed to trap it between the crane and a wall structure. Dismounting from the crane, the clone fired at the volatile device, causing it to explode and damage the droid, allowing him to push it off the edge.

Reklam Station plummeting deeper into Yarma's atmosphere

After neutralizing the stormtrooper contingent in the hangar, Bridger reached the control room and used his lightsaber to subdue the guards and disarm Titus. Discovering that the officer had sabotaged the control unit, Bridger decided to destroy the station's power generator, cutting off power to the conveyor and causing the station's repulsorlift generators to detonate. With Ohnaka having departed with the Ugnaughts in a stolen Sentinel-class landing craft, Bridger instructed the remaining rebels to escape with the Y-wings while he made his way to the Phantom. However, before he could reach the vessel, it was dislodged by a falling crane. Unable to establish communication with the rest of his unit, Bridger realized he had no hope of escaping the doomed station, and so clung to one of its protrusions as the structure plummeted deeper into Yarma's atmosphere. Above the planet, Bridger's master, Kanan Jarrus, and the pilot Hera Syndulla learned of Bridger's predicament, and they flew down to the station in an attempt to rescue him. With Syndulla flying alongside the plummeting facility, Jarrus managed to grab hold of Bridger and pull him into the Ghost. As they escaped, Reklam Station continued its fiery descent towards destruction.

Commanders and crew

Brom Titus served as the commander of Reklam Station in 2 BBY.

In 2 BBY, Commander Brom Titus was in command of Reklam Station. From the station's control tower, Titus oversaw the facility's smooth operation by consulting with the technicians who monitored the plant's systems. Slave labor was utilized on the station, with Ugnaught workers being forced to maintain the salvage yard's machinery. Slaves working at Reklam Station were stripped of their names and assigned a number, such as Melch, who was designated "Laborer 429."

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Reklam Station by Andre Kirk

Reklam Station was a location that was created for the Star Wars Rebels Season Three premiere TV movie, Steps Into Shadow, which was initially broadcast on September 24, 2016. As evidenced by the episode's reference to General Dodonna, Reklam Station plays a significant role in Star Wars canon as the place where the rebellion acquired the Y-wings that were subsequently used in the attack run on the Death Star depicted in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

Andre Kirk contributed concept art for Reklam Station.

