Y-wings, recovered and awaiting destruction in Reklam Station's furnace
A salvage yard was essentially a location where out-of-date or retired spacecraft, from small starfighters all the way up to massive capital ships, were taken apart for their raw materials or completely destroyed after any useful parts had been taken out. On the planet of Ferrix, Salman Paak ran a salvage yard known as Repaak Salyard. Reklam Station, which was an Imperial salvage yard that orbited within the atmosphere of the planet Yarma, was the place where old Republic Y-wings were incinerated after their hyperdrives were removed. Certain shipyards, like the one situated at Kartoosh, did double duty as salvage yards. During the era when the New Republic was in power, they maintained a salvage yard called the Shipyard Depot on Coruscant, where decommissioned Imperial Star Destroyers were processed. Santhe Shipyards, together with its facility, also functioned as a salvage yard in Coronet City on Corellia, where they recycled decommissioned Imperial Star Destroyers and even Super Star Destroyers, including those of the Executor-class.