Shipyard Depot

The extensive Shipyard Depot, located on Coruscant, served as a salvage yard. The New Republic Defense Force employed this location to take apart Star Destroyers that previously belonged to the Imperial Navy, while also dismantling the Alliance Fleet. Consequently, New Republic soldiers provided security for the planet-based depot. The facility's moniker was the same as the hovertrain station name, which was part of the Coruscant transit system and served the depot's sector.


During 9 ABY, Penn Pershing and Elia Kane, another member of Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant who was then participating in the New Republic Amnesty Program, gained unauthorized access to the shipyard. Their objective was to steal a mobile lab to support Pershing's cloning research. Nevertheless, Kane revealed the plot to the New Republic, leading to Pershing's capture and subsequent placement in the Re-Integration Institute.

