The Santhe Shipyards, which are also referred to as the Corellian Shipyards or Coronet shipyards, were shipyards that could be found in Coronet City on the planet of Corellia.
Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the shipyards transitioned from constructing civilian vessels to producing Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Rebel operatives stationed there provided updates to General Airen Cracken regarding the shipyard's activities. During a mission where the Partisans and members of the Spectres boarded a civilian freighter, Saw Gerrera determined, after analyzing the freighter's cargo, that the materials were being utilized for construction by the Imperial Navy. Sabine Wren suggested that these materials could have originated from Corellia, or any other planet that housed shipyards.
After the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War and the rise of the New Republic, the shipyard, along with all Imperial military resources, was disbanded and reassigned to the new governing body. Regional Supervisor Myn Weaver was given the responsibility of managing the facility's operations during this transition. Her duties included dismantling the hyperdrive cores still within the factory and repurposing them for use on ships belonging to the New Republic Defense Fleet. Scrap materials and obsolete equipment from the decommissioned starships were sold to wealthy investors associated with the shipyard, and the resulting funds were allocated to New Republic reconstruction initiatives, among other things. In conjunction with Weaver, a board of directors oversaw the shipyards' commercial activities and had the initial opportunity to examine any unique hardware discovered within the ships, as well as determine their prices and distribution methods. According to Weaver, the sale of a single Star Destroyer could generate enough revenue to finance several of these operations.
Despite the New Republic's attempts to effectively manage the remaining Imperial military assets, a shortage of skilled personnel led to a situation where Elsbeth's Imperial employees were initially permitted to continue working at the shipyard, even though they had not been vetted for loyalty to the new government. Weaver was under the impression that they were solely motivated by their wages and lacked interest in galactic politics, leading her to place complete trust in them. This resulted in the development of a clandestine network of Imperial remnant spies within the shipyards, which included members of Elsbeth's own organization. Around 9 ABY, Elsbeth, with assistance from former Jedi Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati, discovered the existence of a star map that revealed the details of the Pathway to Peridea, an ancient route to a galaxy adjacent to their own. Believing that the Pathway's destination was the location where her former ally Thrawn was stranded following the Battle of Lothal, Elsbeth tasked Skoll and Hati with obtaining the map. She also secretly began constructing an extragalactic transportation vessel called the Eye of Sion above the planet Seatos, which she believed to be the starting point of the Path. To provide the vessel with sufficient power for its journey, Elsbeth instructed her spies within her former shipyards to acquire and transport Super Star Destroyer hyperdrives to her, disguising it as a classified New Republic Defence Force project. As a result, the shipyards produced nine refurbished engine cores without raising any suspicion, with Elsbeth's HK-87 assassin droids preventing the facility's protocol droids from scrutinizing the project.
Despite these precautions, former Padawan Ahsoka Tano and New Republic General Hera Syndulla became aware of Elsbeth's questionable activities and visited Corellia to inspect the facility. During their tour, Syndulla noticed the tenth and final hyperdrive being loaded onto transport CT-O5 and questioned Weaver about its intended use, as she knew that the Defense Fleet's starships did not require that level of power. Upon discovering the project's classified file, Syndulla asked droid C1-D1 about the authorization required to access it, only for the unit to reveal the presence of HK-87 droids within the facility and their orders to prevent interference with the project. Realizing the deception, Syndulla ordered the control center to ground CT-05, prompting the spies stationed there to confront her. Syndulla and Tano engaged the Imperials, resulting in casualties and injuries on both sides, as well as damage to several protocol droids.
Syndulla subsequently departed in her personally modified Sheathipede-class transport shuttle, the Phantom II, managing to reach CT-05 just in time for her astromech droid "Chopper" to attach a homing beacon to it. Meanwhile, Tano engaged Elsbeth's forces on the ground, including Marrok and several HK-87s. Despite destroying the droids and wounding Marrok, Tano was unable to reach the transport and was forced to retreat. Following the battle, New Republic army troopers arrived at the facility and apprehended the remaining Imperial sympathizers, including Manager Weaver.