The 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport, commonly known as the conveyex, and also designated by the manufacturing code ATD-C45, was a heavily armored cargo train model produced by Kuat Drive Yards. It was used during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

These 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transports facilitated the swift transport of specific goods across surface areas on remote worlds. The Galactic Empire employed these heavily fortified conveyex vehicles, which navigated rail lines through difficult landscapes. A key difference from conventional train systems was the conveyex's use of narrow, seemingly continuous link belts, similar to tank treads, instead of traditional steel wheels and rails.
These trains featured several highly secure containers, accessible only via quantum-switch code keys. These containers held shape-shifting data lattices, contact terminals, and the signatures of those authorized to open them. For instance, container ICC-5537 once held 400 kilograms of the hyperfuel coaxium. Range troopers sometimes guarded these trains to safeguard their valuable contents. Despite their defenses, conveyex transports were tempting targets for criminals and train robbers, though attacks typically ended in the criminals' demise.
In 10 BBY, a conveyex on the planet Vandor transported cargo that Han Solo attempted to pilfer, aiming to demonstrate his abilities. Because the Empire prioritized security over aesthetics, the train lacked windows, except for small, grated observation points located above the drive chain at the front. Furthermore, the train was structured into three sections: a powerful main drive engine, a set of standard intermodal cargo containers, and a caboose at the rear, equipped with stabilizer bars and cannon turrets. Given Vandor's intentional inaccessibility for standard supply runs due to security concerns, the conveyex served as the sole method for delivering various supplies between Imperial facilities.
The 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport, referred to as the "Imperial train" in the film's screenplay, was conceived by Lucasfilm Ltd. design supervisor James Clyne for the 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story. Early influences on the design included the sharply angled and heavily armored World War II–era German army trains known as Panzerzugs and the British Mark I and V Tanks. The train engine car's design drew inspiration from the "heads" of the AT-AT and AT-ST walkers featured in the Star Wars original trilogy and the 2016 Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. According to the LEGO set 75217 Imperial Conveyex Transport, these trains were operated by Imperial weapons technicians wearing specialized uniforms, although this detail was not present in the final film. The technicians' uniforms were based on concept art from Dave Crossman.