Mission to Wobani

In the year 3 BBY, as part of her Day of Demand initiatives, Princess Leia Organa embarked on a humanitarian aid mission to Wobani. The planet of Wobani was suffering from widespread starvation and a critical need for food and medical assistance during this time. Exploiting a technicality in Imperial regulations, she successfully transported a number of Wobani inhabitants back to her homeworld of Alderaan.

Nevertheless, this action brought a stop to, and probably permanently destroyed, the negotiations that Organa's father, Bail Organa, along with Mon Mothma and his fellow senatorial supporters, were conducting to relocate the Wobani population. Upon her return, Organa learned this information from her mother, Queen Breha Organa, which horrified her and motivated her to commit to the well-being of the Wobani people she had saved.

Behind the scenes

The Wobani mission was depicted in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a young-adult novel authored by Claudia Gray in 2017. The first visual representation occurred in Leia Organa: Ordeal of the Princess, a Japanese webcomic version of the novel, on May 8, 2021.

