Raymus Antilles's wife

The spouse of Raymus Antilles resided on the planet of Alderaan circa 0 BBY. She bore two female offspring with Antilles, though she often raised the children for extended durations without her partner's presence, owing to his commitment as a commander serving the Alliance to Restore the Republic. In 0 BBY, the human rebel desired to compose his ultimate, farewell message to his cherished family, anticipating that he would perish on the Tantive IV as the Galactic Empire hunted his rebel spaceship for stealing the crucial Death Star schematics.

His trusted associate Princess Leia Organa had guaranteed the family's safety throughout the rebellion against the Empire, yet Antilles regretted the limited time spent with them; nevertheless, the Tantive IV was attacked before he could record his thoughts. The commander was promptly seized by Imperial troops and suffocated by their supreme officer, Darth Vader, despite the defiance of him and his crew. Though he understood he would never see his wife or daughters once more, Antilles, having fought to secure lives that his loved ones deserved, hoped in his final moments that the Princess would escape and aid in freeing the entire galaxy. Even though Alderaan was obliterated, Organa's pilfered blueprints facilitated a rebel triumph at the subsequent Battle of Yavin, and the Rebellion overthrew the Empire five years afterward.

