Jessamyn was an Alderaanian consular security operative, a female, who served with distinction under the command of Captain Miara Larte.
As a female member of the Alderaanian consular security, Jessamyn reported to Captain Miara Larte. Larte considered her to be a highly skilled soldier, and she functioned as Larte's second-in-command. When the Galactic Empire utilized the Death Star to destroy her homeworld of Alderaan, she was not on the planet. She attended the Royal Award Ceremony held in the Great Temple on Yavin 4 during 0 ABY. Despite believing a celebration was inappropriate so soon after Alderaan's demise, Larte comforted her by reminding her that hope remained. Encouraged by her captain's statement, Jessamyn wept as Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Chewbacca received accolades for their courageous actions in the Battle of Yavin.
The short story "By Whatever Sun," penned by E.K. Johnston and Ashley Eckstein and included in the From a Certain Point of View anthology, marked Jessamyn's initial appearance.