A male human serving as an Alderaanian consular security soldier, most commonly referred to as a fleet trooper, found himself in dire circumstances. Following the Battle of Scarif, this trooper managed to download the crucial Death Star plans onto a datacard with the intention of transporting them aboard the Tantive IV. However, fate intervened, trapping the trooper and approximately twelve others behind a partially opened security door, where they were swiftly confronted by the menacing Darth Vader. In a selfless act, the trooper passed the datacard through the narrow opening to Second officer Toshma Jefkin, only to meet his demise at the hands of Vader as the Sith Lord pursued the vital information.

Prior to or during 1 BBY, this individual enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, becoming an Alderaanian consular security soldier more famously known as a fleet trooper. His assignment placed him on the MC75 Star Cruiser Profundity during the pivotal Battle of Scarif, a conflict that secured the theft of the Death Star plans. As the battle concluded, the Profundity attempted to escape alongside other vessels, only to be intercepted and disabled by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator. Consequently, the fleet troopers aboard the Profundity initiated an evacuation to the CR90 corvette Tantive IV, which was docked within the cruiser's hangar.
While his fellow troopers rushed towards the next security checkpoint, this particular individual paused at a terminal to download the Death Star plans onto a datacard. As he was doing so, another trooper urged him to hasten, and together they proceeded to the subsequent security door. The trooper attempted to open the door, but a sudden power surge incapacitated the surrounding systems, leaving the door only partially ajar. The troopers began to forcefully pull the door, attempting to create an opening for someone to pass through, and the trooper knocked, calling out to the soldiers on the other side. However, their efforts ceased as they detected a presence behind them. As they aimed their weapons into the darkness, a distinct, deep breathing sound became audible, and the area before them was illuminated, revealing Darth Vader activating his lightsaber. An order was given to open fire, and a firefight erupted.

Vader systematically eliminated the rebels, and the trooper desperately pounded on the security door, seeking assistance. The Second officer of the Tantive IV, Toshma Jefkin, responded from the other side, attempting to force the door open. As Vader rapidly approached, one of the remaining rebels seized the trooper's weapon and confronted Vader, only to be Force choked and hurled aside. The trooper then reached through the gap in the door and handed the datacard to Jefkin. Jefkin fled towards the Tantive IV, and Vader plunged his lightsaber into the trooper, employing the Force to fully open the door. Jefkin reached the corvette and sealed the door as Vader cut down other troopers attempting to impede him. Vader then commanded the corvette to launch, and the Tantive IV escaped the hangar and fled the system.

Once aboard the Tantive IV, Jefkin entrusted the fleet trooper's datacard, containing the Death Star plans, to Captain Raymus Antilles, who in turn delivered it to Princess Leia Organa. When the Tantive IV was intercepted, Organa concealed the datacard within an astromech droid identified as R2-D2, which subsequently escaped the corvette. The astromech eventually returned to the Alliance at Yavin 4, where they formulated a plan to attack the Death Star. This assault, known as the Battle of Yavin, proved to be a resounding success, resulting in the Death Star's destruction in just under thirty standard minutes.
Despite playing a pivotal role in their single scene and having several lines of dialogue, the character was brought to life by an uncredited actor in the 2016 Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.