Gale Torg, sometimes called Galen Torg, was a sergeant of the human male variety. His duty was to protect and accompany senators and other important figures visiting the Alliance to Restore the Republic's central base located in the Great Temple on Yavin 4. He was armed with a DH-17 blaster pistol and was identifiable by his Alderaanian consular security uniform. This uniform included a service helmet equipped with a flash visor and built-in comlink, along with a spacer vest of Corellian design featuring multiple pockets.
In the year 0 BBY, the Alliance achieved a major victory by destroying the Galactic Empire's massive planet-killing superweapon, known as the Death Star, within the Yavin system. During the ceremony held to celebrate the Heroes of Yavin at the Great Temple, Torg served as a Rebel Honor Guard. He was stationed at the entrance of the audience room's.
The character Gale Torg drew inspiration from Galen Torg, a Rebel trooper who first appeared in Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope. However, because Rogue One: A Star Wars Story already featured a significant character named Galen Walton Erso with the same first name, Pablo Hidalgo, the author of Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, made the decision to alter Torg's first name.