Galen Torg

Galen Torg, a Human male native from the planet of Alderaan, served as a military officer on his homeworld. Around the time his planet was destroyed by the Galactic Empire's DS-1 Orbital Battle Station in 0 BBY, Torg enlisted in the Rebel Alliance, keeping his ceremonial dress uniform throughout his service. In that year, the Alliance successfully destroyed the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station within the Yavin system. Subsequently, Torg was chosen to be a Rebel Honor Guard sentry for the ceremony that celebrated the Heroes of Yavin, held at the Alliance's headquarters located on the moon of Yavin 4.


During the Galactic Civil War, a conflict pitting the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire, Galen Torg, a Human male, originated from the planet of Alderaan. By 0 BBY, Torg was serving as a military officer on Alderaan. In that year, the Empire utilized its DS-1 Orbital Battle Station superweapon, known as the Death Star, to annihilate Torg's homeworld. Torg, among the surviving Alderaanians, also managed to preserve his ceremonial dress uniform. By this time, he had already joined the Alliance, and he continued to wear his uniform while serving with them.

The Battle of Yavin took place in 0 BBY, where Alliance starfighters obliterated the Death Star in the Yavin system. Following this battle, a ceremony occurred in the Grand Audience Chamber of the Great Temple, the Alliance's headquarters on the moon Yavin 4. Torg was among the soldiers chosen to act as Rebel Honor Guard sentries for the event. During the ceremony, which celebrated the Heroes of Yavinpilots Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca—Torg stood guard in front of the Chamber's entrance.

Personality and traits

Galen Torg was a dedicated member of the Rebellion, embodying the spirit of the Alliance's hardworking and often unacknowledged heroes. Being a survivor of Alderaan, and as a testament to his commitment and bravery, he was selected to participate as an honor guard at the award ceremony, a gesture of gratitude for the Heroes of Yavin's success in destroying the Death Star. Torg stood at a height of 1.8 meters and possessed light-toned skin.


Torg's arsenal included an electropole, along with a blaster pistol and grenades. Furthermore, he possessed a comlink and a set of macrobinoculars.

Behind the scenes

Galen Torg made his initial appearance as an uncredited extra in the award ceremony scene at the conclusion of 1977's Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. In 1989, the first edition of West End Games' Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope sourcebook used the name "Galen Torg" as an example of a typical Rebel soldier for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, supplying primarily roleplaying statistics for him. The book did not specify that Torg was a Rebel character who appeared in A New Hope. It was not until 1995 that the Premiere Limited edition of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game identified Galen Torg as one of the honor guard extras featured at the end of the film.

Non-canon appearances

A reimagined version of the award ceremony, featuring sentries positioned at the entrance, was incorporated into the 2006 non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, as well as 2007's LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. However, the uniforms worn by these sentries are those of Rebel troopers from the Alliance Fleet, differing from the canonical Honor Guard uniforms.

