Alderaanian monarchy

The Alderaanian monarchy represented the hereditary monarchical system of governance on the planet of Alderaan. Queen Breha Organa was the final ruler, tragically dying alongside her planetary home when the Galactic Empire obliterated Alderaan utilizing the Death Star in 0 BBY. Despite the Alderaanian diaspora's efforts to reorganize, they had yet to reinstate their monarchy by 5 ABY.


For a thousand years prior to the Imperial Era, Alderaan had a monarchy. The traditions surrounding succession were established when the monarchy was first established, including the heir's Day of Demand and the three trials they had to complete. In the early days, Alderaan was not always peaceful, and princes and princesses vying for the crown occasionally had to battle their way to the throne room on their Day of Demand. However, the planet eventually developed a pacifistic culture that valued creativity, love, and life, and the monarch was entrusted with upholding that philosophy. The Alderaanian monarchs demonstrated unwavering loyalty and compassion for their people, regardless of their background, and as a result, they enjoyed the loyalty and affection of the Alderaanians.

When Breha Organa reached the age of sixteen, she suffered a fall from Appenza Peak during her Challenge of the Body. Her injuries were so severe that they nearly proved fatal; she was only saved by the swift response of the guards who were stationed nearby. As a consequence, Breha's lungs and heart were replaced with pulmonodes. She opted against undergoing the bacta treatments needed to regenerate flesh and skin around them, explaining to her daughter that it served as a reminder of her resilience and determination. The accident also influenced her and her husband's decision to adopt, rather than risk further physical strain on Breha's body through biological childbirth.

Breha Organa, the last Queen of Alderaan

Sometime before the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Breha ascended to the throne, succeeding her mother. Throughout Breha's reign, Alderaan, driven by its pacifist ideals, advocated for an end to the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This was furthered by her husband and consort Bail Organa's efforts in the Senate. The planet also hosted a conference to support refugees who had been displaced by the galactic conflict. Numerous refugees from across the Republic sought refuge on Alderaan, hoping to rebuild their lives or find a permanent home. Throughout the Clone Wars, Breha and her husband provided aid to planets devastated by the Separatists, offering credits, supplies, doctors, teachers, architects, builders, medics, and droids. Breha also deployed her people to dangerous locations where they were desperately needed, and while some never returned to their families, they did not hold her accountable, recognizing her sacrifices and willingness to make them again if necessary.

Breha also witnessed the downfall of the democratic Galactic Republic and its replacement by the authoritarian Galactic Empire. Alongside her consort and viceroy Bail Prestor Organa, she played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. She remained queen until her death in 0 BBY, which occurred during the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star, a mobile, spherical battle station comparable in size to a Class IV moon. However, Crown Princess Leia Organa, who was on a covert mission to Tatooine, survived the destruction of her homeworld. Viscount Rabael Dir Glorio, the 26th in line to the throne and the last surviving member of House Glorio, also survived the catastrophe.

Even though Alderaan was gone, some surviving Alderaanians, such as Evaan Verlaine, a former student of Breha Organa, regarded Princess Leia Organa as their new queen.

Following the Battle of Endor, the surviving Alderaanians united aboard a seven-starship flotilla and planned to construct a new home using the remnants of the second Death Star. However, they had not yet selected a monarch and were governed by Regent Administrator Eglyn Valmor.

On Chandrila in 5 ABY, Leia Organa, the former princess of Alderaan, gave birth to her son, Ben Solo. As Leia's son, Ben would have been granted the title of prince of Alderaan if the planet and the House of Organa had still existed at the time of his birth. However, upon his birth, he was considered a member of the Elder Houses.

By the era of the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Leia Organa was still regarded as the last princess of Alderaan. However, this status held little authority, as the concept of hereditary nobility was largely disregarded, and Organa only wore symbols of royalty when required by tradition.


The monarch of Alderaan (referred to as "the King" if male and "the Queen" if female) both ruled and governed the planet with the assistance of ministers and advisors. Furthermore, they were responsible for the royal books, managing the various accounts, and personally overseeing the funding of all public works on Alderaan. In some instances, the monarch even held a ministerial portfolio. While the monarch worked to foster harmony on Alderaan, the planet's interactions with the broader galaxy were entrusted to their consort (referred to as viceroy if male).


The Rhindon Sword which was used as part of the Day of Demand ceremony

The eldest child of an Alderaanian monarch was intended to succeed them. Similar to the other Elder Houses, the Alderaanian monarchy did not determine succession based solely on bloodline inheritance, meaning that adopted children, such as Leia Organa, were eligible to ascend to the throne.

A new member of the royal family would make their initial public appearance on their Name Day, during which their birth or adoption was formally announced in the palace throne room. The Name Day ceremony typically occurred on the child's birthdate, but in the case of adoption, it usually took place a few days later, at which point they would be officially recognized as a prince or princess and a member of the royal family.

The heir apparent—whose succession seemed assured—was not designated as Crown Prince or Crown Princess until the age of sixteen, or in the case of adoptive members, on the sixteenth anniversary of their original Name Day. At this point, they would have to undergo a series of rituals to demonstrate their worthiness.

The first step was the Day of Demand, which occurred sixteen years after the heir's initial Name Day. On this day, the heir apparent would carry the Rhindon Sword through the palace throne room, reciting the ritual dialogue and publicly asserting their claim to the crown, before announcing three self-imposed challenges: the Challenge of the Body, that of the Mind, and that of the Heart. When the heir apparent was adopted, the phrase "it is known" was added to the ritual dialogue. The Challenge of the Body traditionally involved the heir climbing the renowned Alderaanian mountain, Appenza Peak, although they were permitted to bring a companion if they desired. Upon successfully completing these challenges, they were invested with the Heir's Crown during a coronation ceremony. Many heirs relinquished their keepsake chests at the time of investiture, but the ritual did not mandate it.


The Royal Palace of Alderaan

The monarch's official residence was the Royal Palace of Alderaan, also known as the Mountain Palace, situated in the planetary capital of Aldera and near a vast forest. It served as the venue for numerous official ceremonies, festivities, and banquets, and its construction spanned over a millennium by 3 BBY. The palace embodied the entire history and evolution of Alderaanian architecture, as well as the opulence of royalty, featuring ancient rooms constructed of stone in an extensive labyrinth alongside more contemporary spaces like data centers and holochambers. The palace also housed the Rhindon Sword and a landscape painting of Appenza Peak.

During the reign of Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail Organa, the royal family also owned a ranch where they cultivated emerald grapes used to produce high-quality emerald wine, which was highly favored by Hiram Zataire. They also possessed a penthouse suite on Coruscant called Cantham House, which was considered relatively modest by both royal and senatorial standards. However, Sabé, a former handmaiden from Naboo, noted that the Alderaanian plants and wind or water-based art installations on the roof of Cantham House must have been incredibly expensive.


Despite being a hereditary monarchy, the Alderaanian monarchy was less formal than the elective Naboo monarchy, a fact that greatly surprised Padmé Amidala upon her initial visit to Alderaan.

Despite the egalitarian nature of the Alderaanian monarchy, certain protocols were typically observed when interacting with royals. During her reign, Queen Breha was properly addressed and referred to as "Her Majesty Breha Organa" or "Her Majesty Queen Breha," and addressed as "Your Majesty." Her viceroy and consort, Bail Organa, was simply addressed as "Viceroy." Their heiress, Princess Leia, was variously addressed as "Your Highness," "Princess Leia (Organa) of Alderaan," "Princess Leia," or simply "Princess." She would introduce herself as "Leia Organa, princess of Alderaan," "Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan," "Leia Organa, princess of the ruling house of Alderaan, heir to the crown," or "Princess Leia of the royal House of Organa, future queen of Alderaan."

Princess Leia's eventual husband, Corellian Han Solo, frequently mocked Leia's royal title, addressing her as "Your Worship," "Your Highnessness," and "Her Royal Annoyance."

Regalia and emblems

The Crest of Alderaan, an inverted triangle composed of interlacing curves, served as a symbol used by the royals. It was prominently featured on one of Viceroy Bail Organa's belts, and Princess Leia possessed a hair clasp in its shape.

Alderaanian traditions dictated that the monarch wear braids, and the Alderaanian monarchy tended to dress modestly, especially in comparison to the ostentatious, vibrant attire of the monarchs of Naboo. In fact, they favored relatively simple designs with muted colors, and a viceroy's apparel of office included a long coat. Queen Breha notably owned a blue-and-bronze slash-sleeved dress that mirrored her planet's oceans and valleys. Her state wardrobe also featured a dress of bronze silk, which she wore with her hair styled high in braids adorned with strings of beads, a green dress with wide skirts, and a deep red silk robe. In informal settings, she wore simple velvet robes and wore her hair down.

Simple white outfits also held a significant place in the monarchy. For instance, both the monarch and their consort wore them during the investiture ceremony of their heir. Additionally, Princess Leia favored simple white gowns that were suitable for most occasions. The princess' minimalist style often clashed with her attendant droid WA-2V, who was programmed to ensure that the princess was always presented in a grand manner for every event. During the Royal Award Ceremony, she wore one with long draping sleeves and a low scoop neckline, created by fashion designer Delva Racine.

Leia Organa once remarked that if her wedding had taken place on Alderaan, in the cathedral located in Aldera, she would have worn a traditional lace dress. There also would have been an hour dedicated to the bell service, three different traditional meals with guests of rank and more. Breha Organa also would have attached the Rhindon Sword to Leia's waist before she met her husband (or wife).

The Crown of Alderaan

While the Crown of Alderaan existed, it was typically kept in a museum and only brought out for special occasions, such as the heir's Day of Demand. The Heir's Crown was adorned with jewels. There were also crown jewels, which Brea and Senni Tonnika once attempted to steal from the Royal Palace; their attempt failed, forcing them to hide in a dumpster for two nights.

The thrones of the Alderaanian monarch and their consort were golden and were situated on a dais in the throne room of the Royal Palace of Alderaan.

