The Delva Racine original hanging sleeve dress, a clothing item of white hue, was fashioned by the human designer Delva Racine renowned in high-fashion circles. It was created specifically for Leia Organa, the royal Princess hailing from the planet of Alderaan. Princess Organa donned this dress at the Royal Award Ceremony taking place on Yavin 4, a moon characterized by jungle terrain. This ceremony, which occurred in 0 ABY, served as a celebration for the valiant individuals involved in the Battle of Yavin and the obliteration of the Death Star I battle station.
The Delva Racine original hanging sleeve dress initially graced the screen in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, a film from the 1977 original trilogy. Its designation was first established in Gadgets and Gear, a supplemental roleplaying sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series, released by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.
In the making of A New Hope, the dress was crafted from white silk, showcasing a more refined and body-hugging design compared to the earlier white gown worn by Leia. The turtleneck element of the costume was omitted to accommodate a necklace with a lower neckline, specifically to showcase her chalcedony waves necklace. John Mullo created early conceptual artwork for the dress, which was then produced by Bermans, in collaboration with a French dresser.