The Alderaan Guard, alternatively called the Alderaanian royal guards, functioned as a security force tasked with safeguarding the members of the House of Organa, which constituted the royal family inhabiting the planet of Alderaan.

During the period of the Clone Wars, Bail Organa, who served as a Senator representing Alderaan, was assaulted within a parking structure by numerous criminals aiming to prevent his address to the Senate. Organa activated an emergency alert, which resulted in the arrival of multiple guards along with the Coruscant Police. While the criminals faced arrest, Organa's speeder was wrecked, and he sustained serious injuries. Prior to transporting Organa to a hospital, the guards communicated the incident to Senator Padmé Amidala.
In the year 3 BBY, Leia Organa, holding the title of Princess, engaged in a conversation with a guard concerning their infant, who had recently begun sleeping uninterrupted through the night, before she commenced her Day of Demand event.