WA-2V, alternatively referred to as 2V or TooVee, functioned as the personal attendant droid serving Princess Leia Organa. This droid was characterized by bluish digits, a spherical rolling mechanism for locomotion, and a rigid apron-like structure that served as a substitute for hips. Her primary directive involved ensuring the princess consistently presented herself with elegance and style on every occasion. As a result of this programming, she possessed remarkable hairstylist skills, enabling her to style the princess's hair in a multitude of intricate fashions. Additionally, she was programmed to extract the princess from perilous situations, should the need arise. TooVee's programming, which emphasized dressing the princess in the most formal attire possible, frequently conflicted with Organa's inclination towards simpler clothing, although TooVee considered pearls to be outdated.

On one particular instance, when Organa was still a young child, TooVee found herself in pursuit of her charge after she had absconded from her bath and proceeded to dash, unclothed and dripping wet, into the palace's formal dining area during an important diplomatic dinner.

On another occasion, during Organa's childhood, she managed to elude TooVee's supervision within the palace gardens before seeking out her mother, Queen Breha Organa, who was engrossed in reading a paper book beside the astromech droid R2-D2, positioned in front of a statue depicting Organa's biological mother, Padmé Amidala.

In 3 BBY, TooVee assisted Organa in preparing for her Day of Demand (reaching a compromise with a simple white dress for Organa and striking silver jewelry for TooVee), and later for her coronation as heir, as well as numerous dinner parties and banquets hosted by Leia's parents that were actually strategy meetings.

TooVee also expressed her delight when Organa returned home from a mercy mission on Onoam, a satellite moon orbiting Naboo, adorned in the traditional Jubilation dress. She exclaimed with enthusiasm that it was the most exquisite gown Organa had ever worn, further remarking that Naboo was "the place" for formal attire. TooVee's enthusiasm waned upon learning that Organa was merely borrowing the gown and that it would have to be returned to Queen Dalné after being laundered. Nevertheless, TooVee reassured herself by asserting that they now possessed "a wonderful example to draw from" for the princess's wardrobe. Organa, typically amused by TooVee's preoccupation with fashion, found herself irritated, having narrowly escaped death, and consciously composed herself while inquiring about her parents' whereabouts.

In 0 BBY, while Organa was absent on a mission, TooVee orchestrated the arrangements for the princess's clothing for the forthcoming equinox celebrations, having one of Queen Breha's older dresses altered and embellished for the princess at the queen's suggestion. However, Alderaan suffered destruction before the planned festivities could take place.

Years afterward, Organa recalled TooVee when contemplating the multitude of minor aspects she had forfeited as a consequence of Alderaan's destruction.

