P2 was one of the Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes, of which three were dispatched by Senator Bail Organa to bolster Phoenix Cell, the rebel group headed by Commander Jun Sato. Easily distinguishable because of its red coloring, P2, together with its sister vessels P1 and P3, journeyed to the planet Lothal under the command of Princess Leia Organa, disguised as ships providing aid to the suffering citizens of Lothal. The Galactic Empire, then in control of the planet, grew suspicious of a potential rebel theft and moved to impound the ships. Despite these efforts, the rebel group known as Spectres successfully seized P2 and the other corvettes, bringing them back to Phoenix Squadron. P2 frequently accompanied the Phoenix Squadron fleet and offered assistance when required. During the year 2 BBY, P2 participated in a battle that unfolded above Atollon, where it clashed with Imperial forces commanded by Grand Admiral Thrawn. In this engagement, P2 met its end, destroyed alongside numerous other rebel and Imperial ships.
The initial appearance of P2 was in "A Princess on Lothal," the opening episode for the second half of Star Wars Rebels's second season. Its identification, along with P1 and P3, was first made on the corresponding episode guide found on StarWars.com. According to Star Wars: The Rebel Files, the three corvettes are named Lightmaker, Duchess Senna, and Amity's Arrow, though the specific ship-name correspondence remains unclear. However, because P2 was destroyed during the Battle of Atollon, it cannot be the Lightmaker, as that ship is shown later in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story during the Battle of Scarif.