Yogar Lyste

Designated LSM-03, Yogar Lyste held the rank of lieutenant within the Galactic Empire, making him an officer during the Imperial Era. Stationed on the planet of Lothal, his duties involved serving as the Imperial Supply Master for Capital City. This role entailed meticulously tracking all incoming weaponry and equipment, alongside any locally manufactured items. In the year 3 BBY, Lyste was assigned command of a military depot and played host to a relief expedition spearheaded by Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. The Spectres' successful theft of three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes resulted in significant humiliation for him.

Lyste's career progressed, leading to a promotion to lieutenant and his appointment as the acting captain of an Imperial light cruiser. This elevated position placed him in charge of monitoring all traffic entering the star system, with a specific focus on defending the planets from rebel forces. In 2 BBY, Lieutenant Lyste found himself serving under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn, who developed a keen interest in the rebel insurgency plaguing the Lothal sector. As Thrawn investigated the identity of the rebel operative known as Fulcrum, Lyste was set up by his colleague, Agent Alexsandr Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau, who anticipated Lyste's likely execution for the fabricated offenses.



Yogar Lyste seizing the Sumar family farm

Born on the planet Garel, Yogar Lyste eventually became a member of the Imperial Military. At least five years prior to the pivotal Battle of Yavin, he held the position of Supply Master on Lothal, a remote agricultural world situated in the Outer Rim, as part of the local garrison. Lyste, an ambitious young Imperial officer, was entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the planet's imports and exports, in addition to regulating, maintaining, and distributing products originating from local Imperial-controlled industries. This also encompassed the transport of prisoners.

The Lothal insurgency

Throughout his service, Lyste faced constant opposition from a rebel group referred to by the locals as the Spectres, with each attack fueling his determination and intensifying his efforts. Not long before the orphan Ezra Bridger joined the rebel cell, Lyste was supervising the transfer of several crates containing food and blasters to the Imperial Complex on Lothal when the Ghost crew hijacked the shipment. Despite Lyste and his stormtroopers' attempts to thwart the cargo theft, they were unable to prevent the rebels from escaping with the crates on speeder bikes.

At a later point, Lyste visited the town of Kothal and attempted to coerce the local farmer Morad Sumar into selling his farmland to the Empire. When Sumar declined, Lyste returned to the farm with his troops later that day, forcibly evicting Sumar, his wife, and their Aqualish farmhand. They also destroyed their home using the cannons of his troop transport. Ezra Bridger and Garazeb Orrelios subsequently freed the farmer, his wife, and the farmhand while they were being transported, after having witnessed the farm's smoking ruins from the TIE/ln space superiority starfighter they had recently commandeered.

Subsequently, Lyste investigated a report from Imperial cadet Nazhros Oleg regarding a warehouse in Lothal's Capital City that was receiving barrels of ebla beer without the required tax stamps. His agents confirmed that the barrels were being stockpiled for distribution, leading Captain Piers Roddance to order a raid led by Oleg, with Zare Leonis and a squad of stormtroopers providing support.

Hosting Princess Leia

Yogar Lyste (far right) hosting Princess Leia

Following the Siege of Lothal, a significant number of Imperial troops were withdrawn from Lothal, resulting in Lyste assuming greater responsibilities as a port commander. Having been promoted to lieutenant and serving as acting captain aboard a light cruiser, he was tasked with monitoring ships entering and leaving the planet, ensuring that no dissenting elements returned to disrupt Imperial control. Unbeknownst to Lyste, the same rebel group that had initiated the insurgency on Lothal had secretly returned, evading his detection and landing on the planet to meet with the Alderaanian dignitary Princess Leia Organa. Lyste was suspicious of Organa due to previous rebel activity and the history of Alderaanian ships being "stolen" by rebels. To prevent a similar incident, he implemented stringent security measures, deploying a stormtrooper detachment and utilizing gravity locks to secure Organa's three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes.

As an additional precaution, Lyste deployed two All Terrain Armored Transports to patrol the area. After Organa insisted that Lyste temporarily provide his own transport for a relief mission, she, along with Kanan Jarrus and Bridger, disguised as Imperial [soldiers](/article/soldier], orchestrated a staged kidnapping of the princess. Falling for the deception, Lyste immediately ordered a scan of the surrounding area to locate the rebels secretly collaborating with Organa. The rebels, hoping to seize Organa's vessels for their cause, launched a raid on Lyste's garrison the following evening, successfully "stealing" the Hammerheads. To maintain the charade, Organa threatened to blackmail Lyste for his incompetent command of the Imperial forces on Lothal unless he provided compensation, which he promptly agreed to. After securing a transport for her, he discovered that his own private transport had vanished.

Thrawn's crackdown

Yogar Lyste (far left) in Thrawn's Office

In 2 BBY, Lyste was present at the Imperial Armory Complex when Governor Arihnda Pryce and Agent Kallus convened the workers for a general assembly. The factory had been producing a high number of defective vehicles, which were negatively impacting Imperial Military operations. In response, Imperial High Command dispatched Grand Admiral Thrawn to restore order to the factory and apprehend any subversives. Unbeknownst to them, a small rebel cell led by Ryder Azadi had been sabotaging the vehicles.

Lyste observed as Thrawn reprimanded the workers for their substandard workmanship and forced Morad Sumar, an undercover rebel operative, to demonstrate a faulty 614-AvA speeder bike. The demonstration resulted in an explosion, costing Sumar his life. Thrawn's brutal methods shocked Lyste, but he nevertheless complied with the Grand Admiral's orders. Thrawn then instructed Lyste and his fellow Imperials to detain the workers for questioning and secure the factory. Under Thrawn's directives, Lyste ordered the factory workers to form pairs and submit to questioning. However, the rebel infiltrators, Bridger and Jarrus, managed to escape when their astromech droid Chopper detonated another speeder bike. This ploy worked, and Lyste instructed a disguised Chopper to report for maintenance.

Jarrus, Bridger, and Chopper successfully evaded the Imperial security forces and stole Thrawn's secret plans from Section A2. Meanwhile, Thrawn summoned Lyste and Kallus to his office for an update on the lockdown. Lyste and Kallus found the office adorned with holograms of the Spectres, Sabine Wren's graffiti, and the helmet of a Jedi Temple Guard. When Thrawn inquired about one of Wren's graffiti artworks, Lyste identified it as a section of the retaining wall. Kallus, more perceptive, recognized it as the starbird, the symbol of Phoenix Cell. After Lyste informed Thrawn that two workers had disappeared, Thrawn realized that the rebels were after his plans and dispatched Lyste and Kallus to secure Section A2.

However, by the time Lyste and Kallus arrived to initiate a lockdown, the rebels' droid Chopper had already downloaded the plans. The rebels managed to escape with Kallus' assistance, who was secretly part of a rebel network of informants known as Fulcrum. When Azadi's rebel cell launched a diversionary attack on the factory's east gate, Lyste deployed two AT-AT walkers to address the intrusion. He reported the incident to Thrawn and requested permission to deploy additional reinforcements. Aware that the rebels would exploit the diversion to escape, Thrawn permitted Lyste to deploy an AT-DP walker that had been stolen by Bridger's team.

Following the rebels' escape, Lyste provided Thrawn with his account of the skirmish. Thrawn was satisfied with Lyste's report and dismissed him before turning his attention to Kallus and Pryce.

Betrayal and frame-up

Lieutenant Lyste and Agent Kallus meet Colonel Yularen

While in command of an Imperial light cruiser, Lyste oversaw a successful operation to capture a stolen shuttle that had fled Lothal's spaceport. When Kallus awoke, Lyste informed him that his ship was responding to a shuttle heist. After the light cruiser's bridge crew had trapped the stolen shuttle with the ship's tractor beam, Lyste remained on the bridge while stormtroopers boarded the shuttle. Unbeknownst to Lyste, Kallus discovered that the captured shuttle thief was his rebel contact Ezra Bridger, who had arrived to rescue him.

When Lyste entered the light cruiser's detention block, Kallus claimed that Bridger was a bounty hunter from whom he had successfully extracted a confession. Lyste then informed the ISB agent that Thrawn's Seventh Fleet had arrived in the Lothal system and had invited both of them aboard his flagship Chimaera. Lyste was eager to attend a meeting with a high-ranking Imperial commander, hoping to showcase his successful capture of an alleged rebel operative. He also sought to compensate for the embarrassing incident involving the Princess from Alderaan.

Lyste ordered his men to transport the rebel prisoner aboard a Sentinel-class landing craft for his meeting with Thrawn. Lyste was also accompanied by the undercover rebel droids AP-5 and Chopper, who claimed to be unwilling passengers on Bridger's shuttle and possessed evidence against him. Upon boarding the Chimaera, Lyste and Kallus observed several Imperial officers from the Sector Command staff, Captains Brunson and Slavin, and Commander Brom Titus, exiting a meeting with Thrawn.

Upon reaching Thrawn's office, a stormtrooper sentry demanded that Lyste and Kallus submit their code cylinders. Lyste reluctantly complied after a brief protest, and the two met with Thrawn and the Head of the ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen. During the meeting, Thrawn revealed that a traitor within the Imperial ranks was aiding the growing Rebellion, codenamed Fulcrum. When Lyste expressed his enthusiasm for hunting down the Rebel spy, Thrawn cautioned him that no one was above suspicion and informed them that Yularen would be interrogating them personally.

Kallus framing Lyste

While conversing privately with Kallus, Lyste commented that no one could evade Yularen's eye for long. After Pryce complimented Lyste on capturing the shuttle thief, Kallus manipulated Lyste into believing that the ISB was investigating Pryce as a Fulcrum suspect. While Lyste was distracted, Kallus switched their code cylinders. He then convinced Lyste to spy on Pryce. Later, Kallus contacted Lyste via comlink and was warned by Lyste that Pryce, Thrawn, and Yularen were entering the detention block. He instructed Lyste to follow Pryce, but to remain concealed.

Kallus had already used Lyste's code cylinder to free Bridger from the Chimaera's detention block, framing him as the rebel agent Fulcrum. Kallus then obtained a military uniform for Bridger. Posing as Lyste, Bridger used a Jedi mind trick to persuade one of Thrawn's guards to grant him access to his office. Once inside, Bridger transmitted clearance codes to his rebel comrades Jarrus and Rex. Kallus then had Chopper delete data on the planet Atollon, the location of the rebel base. He also reprogrammed Thrawn's DT-series sentry droids into assassin droids. After Thrawn narrowly escaped an attack by the droids and witnessed a disguised Bridger escaping, he concluded that Lyste was the traitor. Continuing to play into Kallus' scheme, Lyste continued to spy on Pryce. When he witnessed her fighting two stormtroopers, who were Rex and Jarrus in disguise, he believed that she was Fulcrum and stunned her, an act witnessed by Yularen. As the disguised Rebels fled onto the ship, Lyste recognized Bridger and realized he had been deceived before being tackled by Kallus, who used the opportunity to switch their code cylinders back.

Ultimately, Lyste had unwittingly made himself appear to be Fulcrum. Shortly after being tackled, Yularen arrived with stormtrooper reinforcements. Kallus publicly accused Lyste of being Fulcrum, knowing that Lyste would face immediate imprisonment and, in all likelihood, execution for such an accusation. Despite his protests, Lyste was dragged away by stormtroopers. While Thrawn and Yularen publicly accepted Kallus' explanation that Lyste was Fulcrum, they privately doubted Lyste's capacity to mastermind the events that had transpired, considering him too inexperienced and naive. Upon seeing Wren's art on Bridger's helmet, Thrawn deduced that Bridger was the mysterious "shuttle thief" and that Kallus, by attempting to conceal this, was the true Fulcrum. However, he chose not to apprehend Kallus, as he intended to use him to locate the rebels.

Personality and traits

Yogar and his men intimidating the Sumars

Lyste, a young and ambitious officer, exuded confidence in his performance and exhibited a strong sense of pride. He took his roles as Supply Master and later as lieutenant and acting captain of his own Imperial light cruiser seriously, showing little regard for anyone who stood in his way. Tasked with securing land on Lothal, he initially attempted negotiation before resorting to force, as he disliked unnecessary violence. However, when forced to take drastic measures, he did not hesitate to use force, such as when he was ordered to remove farmers from their land. Despite his confidence, he was unable to prevent the rebels Bridger and Garazeb Orrelios from freeing his prisoners, and he later failed to prevent Organa's vessels from being "stolen" by the same group of dissidents.

Wren held some respect for him, noting that he had increased security and describing him in her personal journal as "not a complete dummy." Unlike many other officers, he displayed understanding towards the failures of his subordinates. He also expressed concern for the people of Lothal during the Imperial blockade, assuring Organa that he wanted to ensure her supplies reached the impoverished citizens. Despite his efforts to secure the Hammerhead corvettes with gravity locks, he was outmaneuvered by the cunning and ingenuity of his rebel opponents. Humiliated by this incident, Lyste sought to gain favor with the Imperial military leadership.

Lyste was briefly shocked by Thrawn's execution of the factory worker Sumar during a test demonstration, but he nevertheless complied with the Admiral's orders to detain and interrogate the workers. He was outwitted by the Spectres' escape tactics, including the use of diversions. In contrast to Thrawn and Kallus, he lacked an appreciation for art and, when asked about one of Wren's graffiti pieces, simply described it as part of the retaining wall.

Lyste took pride in his successful capture of the rebel Bridger, who was posing as a bounty hunter. However, he was unaware that Bridger had orchestrated the capture to rescue Kallus, the secret rebel informant Fulcrum. Lyste saw Bridger's capture as an opportunity to regain favor with the Imperial High Command after the incident with Organa. He was enthusiastic about assisting Thrawn in capturing the rebel agent. Kallus exploited Lyste's lack of experience and naivety to manipulate him into believing that Pryce was Fulcrum, thereby framing the lieutenant. Ultimately, Lyste's trust in Kallus and his inexperience led to his downfall.

Behind the scenes

Yogar Lyste's debut occurred as a supporting character in the television movie Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, which aired on September 26, 2014. His voice was provided by Liam O'Brien, who also voiced several other characters, including Morad Sumar from Star Wars Rebels and Commodore Dael Margok in the Legends computer game Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan. O'Brien voiced Lyste in numerous Star Wars Rebels episodes throughout seasons one, two, and three. He also made an appearance as a minor character in Jason Fry's 2014–2015 junior novel series Servants of the Empire.

In his initial appearance in Spark of Rebellion, during the scene where Ezra observes Lyste being reprimanded by Commandant Aresko and Taskmaster Grint for allegedly reporting a nonexistent emergency, Lyste's hair is depicted as white instead of dark brown.

