The Lothal garrison was established on Lothal by the Galactic Empire not long after the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the conversion of the Galactic Republic into the Empire, marking the beginning of Imperial control. This garrison was eventually disbanded once the Spectres successfully freed Lothal. Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko primarily oversaw the Lothal garrison, and in addition to his command duties, he, along with Taskmaster Myles Grint, managed the training of fresh Imperial soldiers at the Imperial Academy situated on Lothal.
After the Imperial Complex was established on Lothal, around 19 or 18 BBY, the garrison served to protect, uphold, and secure the Galactic Empire's objectives on Lothal throughout the Imperial occupation. This large garrison's soldiers and commanders frequently tormented the inhabitants of Lothal when the civilians attempted to trade goods, offer bribes to soldiers, or declined to relinquish their property to the Empire. Additionally, the garrison operated an Imperial Academy for the purpose of training new members for the garrison. The garrison was targeted in attacks by a small rebel group known as the Spectres. The Spectres launched attacks on airfields, engaged the garrison's forces, and confiscated provisions of food and weaponry from them.