
An Imperial officer of human descent and male identification, Slavin held the rank of captain within the Imperial forces. He was active during the Imperial occupation of the planet Ryloth. Under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Slavin found himself involved when elements of the Phoenix Cell launched an attack on Ryloth with the goal of recovering the Syndulla clan's Kalikori. A long-time rival of Cham Syndulla, the leader of a rebel group on Ryloth, Slavin seized the opportunity presented by the attack to capture Syndulla's daughter, Hera.

Subsequently, Slavin was summoned to the Chimaera for an interview conducted by Thrawn as part of an inquiry into a rebel spy operating within the Imperial structure. Later, he was placed in command of a Star Destroyer tasked with retrieving a massive kyber crystal from the Tonnis sector for use in the construction of the Death Star. However, Saw Gerrera had rigged the freighter carrying the crystal to explode. The resulting detonation destroyed his destroyer, resulting in his death.


Age of the Empire

The Ryloth insurrection

Slavin and Grand Admiral Thrawn

During 2 BBY, Slavin fought against the Free Ryloth Movement, which was led by General Cham Syndulla. Initially, Slavin's and his troopers' attacks were uncoordinated. However, with the arrival of the Chiss Grand Admiral Thrawn, Slavin's tactics became more efficient. Subsequently, Slavin and his forces successfully occupied the Tann Province, where Slavin established his command post within Syndulla's home.

Later, [Hera Syndulla](/article/hera_syndulla], Cham's daughter, along with her fellow rebels Chopper and Ezra Bridger, infiltrated the Syndulla residence. Their objective was to recover the Syndulla family's Kalikori, a valuable Twi'lek artifact of great significance to Hera's late mother. After successfully retrieving the Kalikori from Cham's office, Hera and her team attempted to escape through the front entrance. However, Captain Slavin, accompanied by Thrawn and two stormtroopers, entered the building. After instructing the stormtroopers to maintain guard, Slavin informed Thrawn about the recent rebel incursion. Despite increased security measures, Slavin expressed confusion regarding the rebels' motives for attacking so far from their base. Thrawn, sensing movement behind the separators, pointed out that the rebels were closer than they realized.

Following a failed attempt to escape through the basement, Hera and her team tried to exit through the front door once more. Chopper, disguised as an Imperial astromech droid, attempted to distract the stormtroopers while Hera moved towards the exit. However, Hera encountered both Slavin and Thrawn. Mistaking Hera for a servant, Slavin ordered her to move aside and reprimanded her for leaving the kitchens. Hera apologized and turned to leave. However, Thrawn became interested in her and ordered his men to apprehend her. Ezra, disguised as a scout trooper, placed Hera in restraints.

Slavin followed Thrawn and Hera into his office. There, Hera feigned being a poor servant who intended to steal the Kalikori to provide for her family. Slavin wanted to set an example of Hera. However, Thrawn realized that the Kalikori held greater value than Slavin understood and questioned the Captain if he grasped the object's significance. When Slavin dismissed the Kalikori as a "primitive trinket," Thrawn emphasized that it was a priceless Twi'lek heirloom.

Trouble with the Syndullas

Slavin and Thrawn questioning Hera

During Thrawn's interrogation of Hera, Slavin belittled the Twi'lek woman, referring to her as a mere servant. Hera then asserted that her people would never abandon their fight for freedom. As Slavin was about to rebuke Hera, Thrawn chided him for his embarrassing behavior. Thrawn then revealed that the servant was none other than Hera Syndulla, the daughter of the Twi'lek rebel leader Cham Syndulla. Thrawn then stunned Ezra after the scout trooper made a sudden movement. Slavin was astonished that Thrawn had identified Hera's rebel accomplice and inquired about how he knew. Thrawn calmly replied that the rebels were never without allies.

Slavin later accompanied Thrawn to Hera's cell, where Thrawn discussed the importance of the Kalikori. When Slavin interrupted again, Thrawn apologized for his colleague's behavior and thanked Hera for her "hospitality." After exiting the cell, Thrawn instructed Slavin to transport the Kalikori to his Arquitens-class command cruiser. When Slavin suggested destroying the object, Thrawn briefly lost his composure and grabbed Slavin by the collar of his tunic. However, he quickly regained his composure, brushing off the captain's uniform while apologizing and lamenting that Slavin did not appreciate art like he did. He then left to observe an "experiment," leaving Slavin in charge of further operations.

Assuming command, Captain Slavin contacted Cham via hologram and proposed a deal. If Cham agreed to surrender himself by dawn, he would release his daughter Hera and Ezra. If he refused, Slavin threatened to execute the prisoners. Cham accepted the deal. Slavin then proceeded with the second phase of his plan, positioning gunners around the hangar bay to trap the Ghost, the VCX-100 light freighter used by Hera's rebels. However, Chopper discovered Slavin's plans and alerted Hera, who instructed the droid to steal explosives from the Imperial armory and plant them around her house.

At dawn, Slavin led Hera and Ezra to the hangar to begin the exchange with Cham. Cham arrived aboard the Ghost, and Slavin agreed to a simultaneous exchange. As Hera met her father, she apologized for the impending destruction of the house. At that moment, Chopper appeared and detonated the explosives, knocking Slavin and his men to the ground. Slavin ordered his men to open fire. One of them fired a rocket at the Ghost, but Hera's fellow rebel Kanan Jarrus used the Force to redirect the rocket back at an AT-DP walker, destroying it. Slavin sustained an injury to one of his arms and watched as the rebels escaped aboard the Ghost. When a dejected Slavin contacted Thrawn to inform the Grand Admiral of the failure, Thrawn calmly responded that he found the "experiment" enlightening.

Thrawn's investigation

Some time later, Slavin was among a group of officers, including Captain Brunson and Commander [Brom Titus](/article/brom_titus], summoned aboard Thrawn's Star Destroyer, the Chimaera, as part of the Grand Admiral's investigation to uncover a rebel spy within the local Imperial ranks. Agent Alexsandr Kallus and Lieutenant Yogar Lyste observed Slavin, Brunson, and Titus being escorted out of Thrawn's office after their interviews concluded.

Kyber crystal delivery

Slavin's last moments

Around 1 BBY, Slavin, in command of his own Star Destroyer, was dispatched to the Tonnis sector to rendezvous with Freighter 2716. This ship, disguised as a civilian vessel, was transporting a massive kyber crystal intended for the construction of the Death Star. Unbeknownst to Slavin, the rebels Saw Gerrera, Sabine Wren, Ezra, and Chopper had infiltrated the ship. Gerrera, upon discovering the freighter's cargo, rigged the crystal to the ship's hyperdrive, turning it into a bomb. After the freighter exited hyperspace, Slavin was informed by an officer that a rebel ship was approaching. Slavin ordered the crew to fire on the ship but quickly rescinded the order as it approached the freighter, aware of the kyber crystal's destructive potential.

Without his knowledge, Gerrera had damaged the hyperdrive, initiating a chain reaction that caused the crystal, unstable due to its size, to explode catastrophically. The rebels had already abandoned the freighter, Gerrera in his U-wing and Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper aboard the freighter's Lambda-class shuttle with a group of prisoners being transported aboard. When Slavin saw the shuttle pass over the bridge, he wondered where Commander DT-F16, who the shuttle had been intended for, was going. A bridge technician informed Slavin that they were detecting something on the freighter reaching critical mass, and Slavin realized too late that the crystal was about to explode. His fears were confirmed when the crystal detonated, creating an explosion that engulfed both the freighter and his Star Destroyer, killing him.

Personality and traits

Slavin's lack of appreciation for finesse frustrated Thrawn.

During the Age of the Empire, Slavin held the rank of Captain within the Imperial Military. He was an inept strategist who struggled to contain the Free Ryloth Movement until Grand Admiral Thrawn's arrival. Despite his repeated failures, he was considered the "nemesis" of Cham Syndulla, the leader of the Free Ryloth Movement, during his time on Ryloth. Under Thrawn's guidance, Slavin achieved some success against the Free Ryloth rebels. Slavin was a rude and arrogant man who looked down on the Twi'lek servants at the former Syndulla residence. He had little regard for art and dismissed the Kalikori as a worthless "trinket" that should be destroyed. Slavin's disdain for art irritated Thrawn to the point where the Chiss Grand Admiral once grabbed Slavin by the collar of his tunic. While Slavin conceived a plan to trap both Cham and the Spectres by proposing a prisoner exchange, he failed to account for the presence of the disguised rebel droid Chopper.

Slavin was later given command of his own Star Destroyer. As a commander, Slavin instructed his crew not to fire on a freighter carrying a large Kyber crystal due to the crystal's volatile nature. Unaware that Saw Gerrera had rigged the freighter to explode, Slavin ordered his crew to dock with the freighter. This decision resulted in the deaths of Slavin and his entire crew in the subsequent explosion. Slavin often carried a RK-3 blaster.

Behind the scenes

Slavin made his first appearance in the Star Wars Rebels episode "Hera's Heroes," which premiered on Disney XD on October 15, 2016. His voice is provided by André Sogliuzzo, who also voiced the clone troopers in Star Wars: Clone Wars.

