"Hera's Heroes" represents the fifth installment of the animated television program Star Wars Rebels, specifically from its third season. As a whole, it is the forty-second episode presented in the series. Its original broadcast occurred on October 15, 2016, shown on the Disney XD channel.
On the landscapes of Ryloth, Cham Syndulla along with Numa, who are both Ryloth rebels, are riding blurrgs while being pursued by scout troopers riding 614-AvA speeder bikes and an Imperial Troop Transport. Numa questions how the Galactic Empire was able to locate them, and Cham responds that the Empire is becoming more adept at predicting their actions. Numa then launches a grenade, which results in the destruction of two speeder bikes, sending their riders crashing to the ground. Cham informs Numa that they are en route to a rendezvous point with his daughter, Hera Syndulla, who serves as the captain of the starship Ghost.

Numa's blurrg sustains damage from a laser blast, yet it continues to move forward. As a scout trooper attempts to target her, Cham intervenes by using his blurrg to knock the trooper aside. Numa's blurrg then seizes the front laser cannons of another speeder bike, pulling its rider off course. The two Twi'leks and their mounts approach a cliff's edge. At this moment, Hera makes contact with Cham, informing them that they are nearing their position. Cham responds by saying that they are running out of time to land. Inside the Ghost's cockpit, Hera states that she won't be landing and instructs Cham and Numa to reverse direction and head south. Kanan Jarrus and Gobi Glie then appear behind Hera.
Despite her initial reservations, Numa joins Cham in turning their mounts around and heading south as instructed. The Ghost then executes a strafing run on the Troop Transport and the remaining speeder bike, disabling the former. Cham and Numa then leap over the burning transport vehicle, following the Ghost. The surviving scout trooper continues to pursue them on his speeder bike. Hera then lowers the forward ramp of the Ghost, allowing Cham and Numa to ride their blurrgs onto the ship. However, the scout trooper follows them into the cargo bay, only to be met by Numa, Cham, and Garazeb Orrelios, all armed. After mocking the scout trooper, Orrelios subdues him, allowing Ezra Bridger to take his armor.
The Ghost proceeds into Ryloth's atmosphere. Cham embraces Hera, expressing his gratitude for her timely arrival to make the supply run. Hera explains that navigating through the Imperial blockade around Ryloth was challenging. Cham informs his daughter that the situation on Ryloth has deteriorated, with the Empire now occupying the Tann Province. The Spectres, including Bridger, Sabine Wren, and Chopper, are observing the conversation. When Bridger inquires, Jarrus explains that Tann province is Hera's ancestral home.
Cham explains that he had underestimated the new Imperial commander; while previous attacks were clumsy, the new commander's attacks were swift and precise. He informs Hera that the new Imperial commander has established the Syndulla residence as his new headquarters. Cham regrets not being able to salvage anything, including the Kalikori. When Bridger asks, Numa explains that it is a significant Twi'lek heirloom. Hera pledges to recover the Kalikori as it belonged to her deceased mother. After Hera explains that successive generations add objects to the device, Wren surmises that the Kalikori is living art.
Hera is initially hesitant to involve her father in the retrieval mission, but she relents when Cham, Numa, Glie, and the other Spectres volunteer. Cham then proceeds to brief Hera about Captain Slavin's advancements. While planning the mission, Hera tells Chopper that he will accompany her to the Syndulla residence, while the others will stage a diversionary attack in a nearby canyon to draw the Empire away. Cham expresses skepticism about the mission's success, as his forces in the Tann Province have been decimated. However, Bridger volunteers to infiltrate the base disguised as a scout trooper.
Executing their strategy, the rebels launch an ambush on an Imperial patrol led by an AT-DP walker and an Imperial Troop Transport within a canyon. Cham, Glie, and Numa charge forward on their blurrg mounts, while Wren detonates the two vehicles. Jarrus and Orrelios join the assault. As more Imperial forces approach, Bridger and Hera take the speeder bike to the Syndulla residence, which is located within a mountain surrounded by desert plains. Bridger gains entry by posing as a scout trooper who has apprehended a Twi'lek insurgent. They meet up with a disguised Chopper outside the Syndulla household.
Chopper is fascinated by the wreckage of a Y-wing starfighter that had crashed outside the residence during the Clone Wars. Hera explains to Bridger that her father had left the ship as a memorial and that Chopper still has issues with it, as it was the starfighter from which Hera rescued Chopper. As the rebels enter the home, they make their way to Cham's office. There, Bridger examines a portrait of the Syndulla family and sees Hera's mother for the first time. Hera finds the Kalikori atop a shelf. Having accomplished their mission, the two attempt to sneak out.
While concealed behind wall dividers, Hera and Bridger observe Captain Slavin, the blue-skinned Grand Admiral Thrawn, and two stormtroopers entering through the front door. After instructing his stormtroopers to stand guard, Slavin informs Thrawn about the recent rebel attack. Despite having increased operations, Slavin wonders why the rebels are attacking far from here. Thrawn detects movement behind the wall dividers and deduces that the rebels are closer than Slavin realizes.
When Bridger inquires about Thrawn's identity, Hera admits she is unsure. Hera then suggests using a secret entrance in the basement to escape. They enter the basement, only to discover that the Imperials have converted it into a command center. Later, they encounter Chopper, and Hera expresses her relief at seeing him, as they need his assistance to escape.
Meanwhile, the Twi'lek rebels and the other Spectres believe they have evaded their pursuers. Cham is confident that they know the land better. However, they are ambushed by another AT-DP walker. While fleeing, Wren's blurrg is shot down. She and Jarrus stand to fight and are joined by Cham. Cham instructs Glie to retrieve the rocket launcher. Glie uses the launcher to dislodge rocks from a ravine, creating an obstacle for the Imperials. Despite their efforts, the walker blasts through effortlessly. Cham says they have gotten no contact from Hera and deduces that something has gone wrong. The rebels retreat with their remaining blurrgs.
Back at the Syndulla house, Hera and Bridger decide to escape through the front door but find it guarded by two stormtroopers. They use Chopper to create a diversion, with the droid attempting to communicate with the stormtroopers in Binary, which they do not understand. While Bridger provides cover for Hera, she approaches the front door, only to encounter Slavin and Thrawn directly. Slavin mistakes her for a servant and warns her that she is not allowed outside the kitchen. Hera attempts to move away, but Thrawn decides that he wants to speak to her. Thrawn orders the stormtroopers to detain her and Bridger.
Thrawn takes an interest in the Kalikori and asks Hera for her opinion on the Imperial occupation of Ryloth. Pretending to be a servant, Hera claims that she can't help, but Thrawn disagrees. He orders his men to take her to his office. Chopper watches as Hera is led away by the Imperials, including a disguised Bridger. Inside Thrawn's office, Hera pretends to be an impoverished servant who wanted to sell the Kalikori to buy food for her family. Slavin wants to punish the servant for stealing Imperial property. Thrawn inspects the Kalikori and deduces that their prisoner is far more valuable than the Captain realizes.
Thrawn explains that to defeat an enemy, you must know them—their battle tactics as well as their history, philosophy, and art. He asks Slavin a second time if he understands the significance of the Kalikori. When Slavin dismisses the Kalikori as a primitive trinket, Thrawn corrects him by pointing out that the Kalikori is a priceless family heirloom that is important to Twi'lek families. Thrawn then asks Hera why she stole it, observing that she has only known war her entire life. Thrawn explains that he has devoted himself to studying the art of war and surmises that Hera's entire life has been forged by war.
When Slavin disparages Hera as a mere servant, Hera drops her disguised accent and remarks that it doesn't matter where her people come from, that their will to be free will defeat him. Slavin is about to chastise her when Thrawn scolds him for embarrassing himself, revealing that the Twi'lek servant is none other than the rebel Hera Syndulla, daughter of the rebel leader Cham Syndulla. Bridger tries to make a move but Thrawn stuns him with his blaster. When Slavin asked Thrawn how he knew, Thrawn points out that the rebels always have friends around them, telling Hera that her rescue plan has been thwarted.
Hera drags the unconscious Bridger to a cell, and a stormtrooper knocks her to the ground. Thrawn meets with Hera in her cell while still holding the Kalikori. He tells Hera that he regrets that this would be their last meeting but promises to keep her Kalikori in a place of honor. Hera regrets not destroying the Kalikori since she does not want an enemy gaining possession of a priceless heirloom. Thrawn replies by asking Hera if her history is worth so little to her. When Slavin interjects, Thrawn apologizes for his comrade's behavior and thanks Hera for her hospitality.
After departing the cell, Thrawn instructs Slavin to transport the Kalikori to his ship. When Slavin suggests destroying the object, Thrawn briefly loses his composure, seizing Slavin by the collar before apologizing and lamenting Slavin's lack of appreciation for art. Thrawn then departs for an "experiment" requiring his attention, leaving Slavin to complete the task. Back in the cell, Bridger regains consciousness, and Hera tends to him.
In the ravine, the Twi'leks and Spectres are engaged in combat against an AT-DP walker. Suddenly, the walker ceases firing, and Captain Slavin uses a holocaster to offer Cham a deal: he will release Hera and Bridger if Cham agrees to surrender himself to the Empire. If Cham refuses, Slavin threatens to execute the prisoners by firing squad at dawn. Glie attempts to dissuade Cham from surrendering due to his importance to the Ryloth resistance. However, Cham is willing to sacrifice himself to save his daughter, describing her as a worthy successor.
Back inside the cell, Hera apologizes to Bridger for embarking on a personal mission and endangering their lives. Bridger reassures her that they would be willing to do the same for her. Hera admits that she underestimated the admiral. Chopper then enters the cell to inform the two that Cham is surrendering himself to the Empire to free them. When Bridger suggests escaping, Hera advises against it due to the presence of numerous guards. Instead, Hera sends Chopper to raid the Imperial armory for explosives. When Bridger asks if she is going to destroy her family home, Hera responds that her crew are her home and family now.
Acting on Hera's directives, Chopper infiltrates the command room, where he discovers that Captain Slavin has positioned cannons around the hangar to trap the Ghost. Slavin intends to use the exchange as an opportunity to ensnare the rebels. Chopper then raids the armory. Later, Slavin enters Hera's cell and informs her that it is time to bid farewell to her father. Meanwhile, Thrawn observes the impending exchange from the safety of his Arquitens-class command cruiser, interested in observing how Cham will respond to this test.
The Ghost arrives at the Syndulla residence. Captain Slavin brings out Hera and Bridger for the exchange. Sabine lands the Ghost in the hangar. Cham and Jarrus step out of the forward ramp to facilitate the exchange. When Slavin orders Cham to surrender, the Twi'lek reminds him to honor his promise to release his daughter and Bridger. Slavin agrees to make a simultaneous exchange. Meanwhile, Chopper finishes planting the explosives and races out through the door just in time to join Hera and Bridger. When Hera meets Cham, she apologizes, but he tells her that it is alright because he has been captured before.
Hera quickly reveals her plan to detonate the Syndulla house to stage an escape before ordering Chopper to trigger the explosives. The explosives send a fiery wave through the house that knocks the stormtroopers to the ground. From above, Thrawn watches the explosion. The rebels then flee aboard the Ghost while Slavin orders his men to stop them. Jarrus uses the Force to deflect a rocket back at an AT-DP walker, toppling the machine. Despite being blinded, Jarrus waves goodbye to a humiliated Slavin.
The Ghost then ascends into the air, where Thrawn's light cruiser is waiting. The gunnery officer asks the Grand Admiral whether he should give the command to fire. However, Thrawn replies that the rebels have gained their victory. When a wounded Slavin reports that the rebels are getting away, Thrawn counsels him not to worry because he found the "experiment" enlightening.
The Ghost touches down on Ryloth's plains. Cham engages in a private discussion with Jarrus and Hera. He concedes that she should not have underestimated his daughter. Both father and daughter express hope that the Empire will continue to underestimate them. When Jarrus apologizes for failing to recover the Kalikori, Hera responds that she doesn't need an heirloom to honor her mother's memory because she already has him, her father, and the other Spectres. In the background, Orrelios grabs and hugs Bridger while Chopper and Wren watch.