"The Antilles Extraction" represents the fourth installment in the Star Wars Rebels animated television program's third season. As the series' forty-first episode, it was initially broadcast on Disney XD on October 8, 2016.
A Phoenix Cell transport vessel, tasked with delivering sustenance to starving inhabitants of Teralov, is accompanied by a protective squadron of six A-wing fighters. This convoy is intercepted by an Arquitens-class command cruiser, which subsequently launches a contingent of TIE interceptors. A fierce aerial engagement ensues, resulting in the complete annihilation of the starfighter escort by the TIEs. Despite the transport ship's captain signaling surrender, the TIEs persist in their assault. Captain Vult Skerris, the commanding TIE pilot, callously delivers a final volley of fire directly into the transport's cockpit.

At Chopper Base, situated on the planet Atollon, Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren arrive at the command center, where Ezra expresses his understanding that the supply mission to Teralov failed. Hera Syndulla clarifies that the situation is direr, as they lost the entire A-wing escort and all personnel aboard the transport. Ezra inquires about the remaining pilot count, lamenting that the rebellion will soon lack anyone capable of flight. Commander Jun Sato then reveals his collaboration with Fulcrum on a solution. When Ezra questions whether this refers to Ahsoka Tano, Hera clarifies that Fulcrum is a codename used by the rebellion for its informants, of whom there are multiple, further stating that Ahsoka originated the title.
Via hologram, Fulcrum relays intelligence about Imperial cadets at Skystrike Academy who intend to defect to the rebellion, requesting assistance for their escape. Sato declares that this information warrants immediate action. Hera subsequently assigns Sabine to the mission, informing her of arrangements to embed her within a group of new cadets en route to the Academy. AP-5 is tasked with fabricating false identification.
When Ezra questions his exclusion from the mission, Sabine explains that she possesses prior experience as a cadet. Hera clarifies that Ezra's notoriety with the Galactic Empire precludes his involvement, whereas Sabine is the least recognized member of the cell. Kanan Jarrus, Ezra, and Chopper are assigned to transport Sabine to Skystrike Academy and provide backup, while Hera and Garazeb Orrelios will oversee the new supply convoy to Teralov.

Sabine journeys to Skystrike Academy aboard an Imperial landing craft, disguised as a TIE pilot cadet. She joins a line of cadets who are required to insert their ID cards into an Imperial astromech droid. The droid rejects Sabine's card, prompting an Imperial officer to detain her for questioning. However, Sabine persuades the officer to retry, attributing the issue to common problems with the new cards. She removes her helmet, blows on the card, and polishes it on her uniform before returning it to the officer, who reinserts it into the droid's processor. The card is accepted, and Sabine is permitted to proceed. As she departs, Sabine discreetly retrieves a comlink from her helmet.
Meanwhile, aboard a rebel CR90 corvette, Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper receive confirmation of Sabine's successful infiltration. Ezra expresses his frustration at having to wait, but Kanan assures him of Sabine's competence. When Ezra reveals his aversion to solo missions, Kanan quips, "Unless it's you." At Skystrike Academy, Imperial instructor Goran addresses the cadets, emphasizing that only the most exceptional will survive the Academy, and announces a combat simulation at 0600 hours before dismissing them. Sabine returns to her quarters. Another cadet expresses anticipation for the F-40s.
The following morning, Sabine (designated TIE-SS36) participates in a simulated patrol. She is contacted by her wingman, TIE-SS25, who identifies himself as Wedge. Sabine introduces herself as Ria Talla. Instructor Goran reminds the cadets to adhere to their designated numbers. The exercise involves intercepting and destroying four simulated Y-wings. After eliminating the Y-wings, Wedge and Sabine are instructed to proceed to new coordinates and destroy a rebel transport. The simulated transport is severely damaged and transmitting a surrender offer. When Sabine objects, citing Imperial protocol to board surrendering vessels, Goran reiterates his order to destroy the ship. When Sabine voices her disagreement, Wedge attributes it to a faulty intercom.
Before they can destroy the rebel transport, the pilots hesitate and are destroyed by the VCX-100 light freighter known as the Ghost. Sabine expresses surprise at the ship's presence in the simulation. Goran orders the two cadets to exit their pods and report for debriefing. When "Ria" questions the nature of the final ship, Skerris reveals that the transport was the Ghost, explaining that rebels often modify non-warships for combat. He warns SS-36 and SS-25 that insubordination will result in death during actual combat. Wedge commends Sabine's courage in defying protocol, but she explains that she follows her instincts and moral compass. Wedge respects her principles but cautions her that others at the Academy may not share her views.
Later, another Imperial landing craft, escorted by two TIE fighters, arrives at Skystrike Academy, carrying Governor Arihnda Pryce and Imperial Security Bureau Agent Kallus. They are greeted by Instructor Goran, who inquires about their unexpected visit. Kallus informs Goran that the ISB has received intelligence about cadets planning to defect to the rebellion. Goran defends his cadets' training and loyalty, but Pryce insists on proceeding with the investigation, warning Goran to cooperate. As Pryce departs, Kallus briefly displays a frown.

While walking down the corridor, Sabine overhears three cadets discussing a hazardous plan. The cadets are Wedge and his companions Hobbie and Rake Gahree. Subsequently, Sabine encounters Wedge in the TIE hangar bay. Wedge expresses his unease regarding the recent simulator exercise, stating that it deviates from his expectations. Sabine confides that targeting unarmed transports was not what she envisioned. Wedge reveals his past as a cargo pilot. When Wedge voices his desire to leave, Sabine offers to facilitate his departure and reveals her true identity.
Sabine confirms her affiliation with the rebellion, which relieves Wedge, who states the rebels received his signal. She instructs Wedge to prepare his friends. When Wedge asks about her escape plan, Sabine admits that she will improvise. Back on the CR90 corvette, Ezra worries about Sabine's safety. Kanan advises him to remain calm and acknowledge his lack of control over the situation, asking Ezra if he trusts Sabine. Upon Ezra's affirmation, Kanan urges his apprentice to trust her judgment.
Meanwhile, Kallus reports that his investigation has yielded no evidence of "rebellious" cadets. Governor Pryce suggests adopting a more direct approach. When Instructor Goran objects to the investigation's interference with the Academy's operations, Pryce proposes a mutually beneficial arrangement by returning the cadets to space. Implementing their plan, Goran orders the cadets to launch their TIE fighters.
In the corridors, Sabine meets Wedge and his friends Hobbie and Rake. When Antilles expresses surprise at the Imperials' willingness to let them leave, Sabine explains that they must seize the opportunity. Sabine informs them of a nearby rebel ship but emphasizes the need to follow her lead and trust her. Hobbie asks Sabine if she trusts the rebels, to which she affirms with her life. Rake responds, "Yeah, and all of ours." Aboard her TIE fighter, Sabine contacts Ezra ("Spectre Six") and announces their readiness to escape.
The TIEs enter space, and Instructor Goran orders the cadets to disperse and engage in a simulated dogfight, informing them that their laser cannons have been disabled but that their scores will still be recorded. At Goran's signal, the cadets commence the exercise. Hobbie shoots Wedge while Sabine waits for Ezra. The CR90 corvette arrives, and Ezra informs Sabine that they are there to extract her. Their presence is immediately detected by Pryce, Kallus, and Goran.
At Sabine's signal, the four cadets break formation and fly towards the corvette. Goran, Kallus, and Pryce identify them as defectors. Pryce orders the four cadets to return to base, but Sabine retorts that she will have to retrieve them herself. Pryce then activates a mechanism that detaches the TIEs' solar collectors, leaving them adrift in space. She then orders Captain Skerris to destroy one of the pods, resulting in Rake's death. Skerris' TIE Interceptors then target the rebel transport, inflicting significant damage to the ship's hull. Sabine urges Ezra to escape, but he refuses to abandon her. Kanan insists that they cannot assist Sabine if they are dead and orders Chopper to initiate hyperspace.

Back at Skystrike Academy, Sabine, Wedge, and Hobbie are brought before Governor Pryce. Pryce demands to know the identity of the rebel agent and displays a torture device. When none of the trio respond, Pryce orders Wedge strapped to the device, prompting Sabine to confess her rebel affiliation. Wedge, concerned for Sabine, inadvertently reveals her real name, much to her dismay. Satisfied, Pryce orders Kallus to escort Wedge and Hobbie to a cell, intending to interrogate Sabine alone. As Kallus departs, Sabine remarks, "Looks like they've found someone who can do your job."
Sabine declares her refusal to cooperate, but Pryce presents her file, recognizing her as a runaway Imperial cadet and welcoming her back to the Imperial Academy, while gripping the Mandalorian's chin. Meanwhile, Wedge and Hobbie are imprisoned in their cell. Hobbie is disheartened, but Wedge is determined to escape and rescue Sabine. Back in the torture chamber, Sabine overpowers her stormtrooper captors when they remove her cuffs to strap her into the torture device and engages in combat with Pryce, who is skilled in unarmed combat. She compliments the Governor on her skill, and Pryce smugly retorts that the Empire trained her well. Sabine retorts that her clan taught her better, and knocks Pryce out by pushing her into the torture device's stinger, shocking the Governor unconscious. Sabine takes a blaster and comlink before exiting the cell.
Back in the cell, Wedge and Hobbie discuss their escape options. Wedge suggests ambushing the guards, but Hobbie is doubtful of their success without a plan. Before they can continue, Sabine opens the door, revealing that she has incapacitated the guards. Sabine tells the boys that she hopes they are better pilots than soldiers. Pursued by stormtroopers, the trio flees down a corridor, evading several blast doors before being stopped by a closing blast door. Another blast door closes behind them, blocking the approaching stormtroopers, and Agent Kallus emerges from a side door, instructing Sabine not to shoot.
When Sabine demands a valid reason, Kallus directs her and the boys to avoid Levels Three through Five and suggests Hangar 24 as their best option. When Sabine expresses her suspicion, Kallus tells her to inform Garazeb Orrelios that they are now even. He then allows them to escape down the corridor. Sabine and the defectors escape in a TIE bomber, chosen for its resilience despite its slow speed, before the stormtroopers can apprehend them. Captain Skerris, witnessing the bomber's departure, disparages the cadets as fools before pursuing them in his TIE Interceptor. Wedge pilots the TIE bomber, which sustains multiple hits. Sabine is unable to signal her allies due to signal jamming.
At the last moment, Ezra's CR90 corvette arrives, and Ezra directs them to the docking tube. Wedge docks the TIE bomber with the corvette. Once aboard the corvette's bridge, Sabine expresses her surprise at their return. Ezra explains that they remained nearby, just in case. The rebels then escape into hyperspace. Captain Skerris removes his helmet and watches their escape with a frown.