Derek "Hobbie" Klivian, a male human from the planet of Ralltiir, distinguished himself as a pilot serving the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the tumultuous times of the Galactic Civil War. Alongside Wedge Antilles and Rake Gahree, he received his training at the Skystrike Academy. Following contact with Sabine Wren, Klivian and Antilles made the decision to defect and join the rebellion. After the pivotal Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker extended an invitation for Klivian to become a member of Rogue Squadron. Klivian accepted the offer and served with bravery during the Battle of Hoth, where he ultimately sacrificed himself by intentionally crashing his T-47 airspeeder into Maximilian Veers's All Terrain Armored Transport, known as Blizzard 1.
Originating from the planet Ralltiir, Derek Klivian hailed from there and displayed exceptional pilot skills from a very young age, practically since childhood. Sometime during his younger years, he acquired the moniker "Hobbie." Throughout his life, he went by Hobbie, preferring that people call him by his nickname and expressing a dislike for his given name, Derek.
At Skystrike Academy, an exclusive flight academy located on Montross, Klivian refined his piloting abilities under the tutelage of Instructor Goran. He provided instruction to others in the techniques of asteroid running and navigating without instruments. Klivian's path crossed with that of fellow pilot Wedge Antilles during a Sabacc game at their living quarters. He also encountered Rake Gahree. Eventually, Klivian, alongside many of his fellow cadets, felt a strong desire to reach out to the growing rebellion against the Empire and use his skills in the fight.
Antilles and Gahree shared Klivian's dissatisfaction with the Empire's direction and began formulating plans to desert to the rebellion. This information eventually reached a Fulcrum agent, who served as the crucial connection Klivian needed. Fulcrum then relayed the information to the Phoenix Cell.

The Imperial Security Bureau also took notice, prompting the dispatch of Governor Arihnda Pryce from the Lothal sector and agent Kallus to investigate the claims. Klivian, Antilles, and Gahree maintained that they were aware of the planned defection. However, cadet Ria Talla, secretly rebel Sabine Wren in disguise, overheard and informed Antilles that she would assist in their defection.
Later, when Goran ordered the cadets to participate in a simulated combat exercise in space, Klivian and his comrades saw their opportunity to escape. Wren arranged for her rebel allies Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus to position their CR90 corvette near the planet. Upon Wren's signal, Klivian and his comrades steered their fighters toward the rebel corvette. However, Pryce disabled the TIEs' solar collector panels, rendering them adrift in space. Pryce then instructed Captain Vult Skerris to fire upon one of the TIE pods as a warning, resulting in the death of Rake. Klivian, Wren, and Antilles were subsequently apprehended by Imperial forces.
Following their capture, Kallus confined Antilles and Klivian to a holding cell. Inside, they discussed their escape strategies, with Antilles suggesting they ambush the guards. Klivian, feeling demoralized, expressed doubt about their chances of success due to the lack of a concrete plan. Fortunately, Wren rescued them, having managed to subdue Governor Pryce. The defectors and Wren then fled down a corridor, only to encounter Agent Kallus. However, the ISB agent, having experienced a change of heart due to his prior encounter with Wren's rebel cell, allowed them to escape.

Heading to Hangar 24, Klivian and his friends fled aboard a TIE bomber. They successfully escaped into the atmosphere but were pursued by Captain Skerris. At the last hour, Bridger's CR90 corvette came to their rescue, and they managed to escape aboard. Klivian, Antilles, and their rebel rescuers journeyed to the Phoenix Base on Atollon. There, Commander Jun Sato greeted Antilles and Klivian, formally welcoming them into the rebellion. In time, both distinguished themselves in their initial engagements.

Shortly after his defection from the Empire, Klivian, along with the Spectres and Phoenix Squadron, was slated to participate in a training exercise. Shortly before their departure, Klivian and Antilles were in the hangar talking, even though they were running late. Suddenly, they heard Syndulla calling for them, and in their haste to get ready, they collided with each other. During their absence, Chopper Base was infiltrated by the E-XD-series infiltrator droid EXD-9, who was scouring the Outer Rim Territories for rebel bases. The Lasat Garazeb Orrelios, the inventory droid AP-5, and the astromech droid Chopper successfully captured and reprogrammed the droid as a makeshift bomb, which destroyed an Imperial Star Destroyer.

Eventually, the various individual rebel cells united, reorganizing themselves into the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Just as Phoenix Squadron was preparing to launch an assault on the Imperial factory on Lothal, Grand Admiral Thrawn discovered the location of Chopper Base, leading to a full-scale attack aimed at crushing their rebel activities, which had become a significant threat to the Empire. During the ground assault, Klivian, Antilles, and two other rebel pilots launched their A-wing starfighters to counter the AT-AT walkers stationed on the planet's surface. With Antilles signaling Klivian to follow, the duo attempted to engage the walkers; however, Thrawn quickly noticed their maneuver and dispatched TIE fighters to intercept them. A dogfight ensued between the A-wings and the TIE fighters. Towards the end of the battle, the two managed to escape, along with the remnants of Phoenix Squadron and General Jan Dodonna's Massassi Group, to Yavin 4.

Around this period, Klivian operated undercover, enrolling in the Prefsbelt Fleet Camp alongside Biggs Darklighter. They were both assigned to the Imperial starship Rand Ecliptic, where Darklighter was appointed as first mate. Echoing Wren's actions years prior, Klivian assisted Darklighter in defecting to the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
By 0 BBY, Klivian held membership in Red Squadron, stationed at Base One on Yavin 4. During the mission to retrieve the technical readouts of the secret Death Star superweapon, he served as the backup for Red Six, although Jek Tono Porkins ultimately filled the position. Klivian attempted to console his friend Antilles after he was excluded from the duty roster for the battle.
Days later, it was Antilles' turn to offer comfort to Klivian after he learned he would not be participating in the Battle of Yavin.
Months later, he and Antilles participated in a training exercise sponsored by Syndulla. There, they encountered Zev Senesca. The trio forged a friendship based on this meeting. As the rebellion regrouped and amassed its forces at Mako-Ta Space Docks, the pilots met with Red Squadron and aspiring Jedi Luke Skywalker in Mess Hall IV. Shortly thereafter, the Galactic Empire launched an assault on the Alliance's base. Klivian found himself trapped aboard the Star Cruiser Republic along with other pilots, including Skywalker, Antilles, and Senesca. Thanks to Han Solo, the Rebel starfighters eventually managed to launch into battle, with Klivian serving as a member of Rogue Squadron, an ad-hoc unit formed by Skywalker during the battle to honor the actions of Jyn Erso.

Following the Battle of Yavin, Skywalker extended an invitation for Klivian to join Rogue Squadron. Klivian accepted, and he and Antilles became integral members of the elite group. Klivian and Antilles flew together in numerous engagements, including the Battle of Distilon, the Battle of Perimako Major, and at least a dozen other battles across various worlds.
The Rebel Alliance eventually established its base at Echo Base on the planet Hoth. After Darth Vader's Death Squadron discovered the rebel presence on the planet, Klivian and other starfighter pilots attended a briefing by Princess Leia Organa in anticipation of the impending Battle of Hoth. Klivian and Rogue Squadron would pilot T-47 snowspeeders, with the squadron's X-wing starfighters held in reserve for escaping Hoth, to delay the landing of Imperial ground forces while the rest of the station evacuated. Upon completion of this task, the pilots would escort each individual transport away from the base, past the Imperial blockade. Despite skepticism that two fighters could break through an Imperial Star Destroyer, Organa assured him that the base's v-150 ion cannon would provide sufficient cover for their escape.

During the battle against the Empire's AT-AT walkers, Klivian served as Skywalker's wingman, remaining airborne longer than most rebel pilots. However, in addition to suffering heavy casualties, the rebels also lost their base's deflector shield generator to General Maximilian Veers's walker, Blizzard 1. After a hit crippled his snowspeeder, Klivian chose not to eject and instead crashed his ship into the head of Blizzard 1, resulting in his death. By destroying the walker, Klivian's maneuver saved numerous rebels from its cannons and slowed the Imperial advance.
Klivian shared a close bond with Antilles, having defected from the Empire together. He also maintained friendships with squadron-mates like Luke Skywalker and Wes Janson. At one point, Klivian participated in creating a citrusy, potato-based liquor, which they brewed inside a hollowed-out R2 series astromech droid. Following Klivian's death, Antilles and Janson continued the operation, eventually naming the drink Klivian. While most found it unappetizing, they continued to consume it as a palate cleanser and as a way to remember Klivian.

Klivian, a human male, stood at a height of 1.75 meters. Although he initially served the Galactic Empire as part of Skystrike Academy, Klivian and many others grew dissatisfied with the regime. Thanks to agent Fulcrum, he quickly joined the rebel Starfighter Corps, ultimately serving as an X-wing starfighter pilot.
Having been a pilot since childhood, Klivian possessed the skill to be a member of Rogue Group, a unit of X-wing aces within the Alliance Fleet.
Richard Oldfield played Derek Klivian in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, where he was credited as "Hobbie (Rogue 4)." Trevor Devall provides the voice for Klivian, who appears as an Imperial cadet in Star Wars Rebels.

Klivian was originally intended to die in The Empire Strikes Back by crashing his T-47 airspeeder into the "head" of Blizzard 1, the All Terrain Armored Transport leading the assault on Echo Base. The scene remained unfinished and was therefore omitted from the final film. Preliminary footage of the unfinished scene was later included in the enhanced edition of The Making of The Empire Strikes Back book. Sources such as the Databank on and Star Wars: Card Trader suggest that Klivian ejected from his snowspeeder's cockpit before the crash, while the reference book Star Wars: On the Front Lines contradicts this, stating that Klivian died during the Battle of Hoth. Daniel Wallace, the author, clarified in an interview with Eleven Thirty-Eight that the Lucasfilm Story Group directed him to the planned scene, enabling him to incorporate it into the book. He also speculated that the planned scene took precedence over Star Wars Legends, where Klivian survived the battle and lived for a long time after the battle of Hoth.