Montross was a planetary body situated within the Montross system, which is characterized as a binary star system. By the year 2 BBY, the Galactic Empire had gained dominion over Montross and proceeded to establish Skystrike Academy within its atmosphere. This academy was an exclusive flight academy designed to train prospective TIE fighter pilots. The Vaathkree Trade Corridor provided a connection between Montross and the neighboring worlds of Contruum and Gizer.
The first appearance of Montross, though unnamed at the time, occurred in "The Antilles Extraction," which was the third episode of Star Wars Rebels' third season, a canon animated series. This episode was initially broadcast on October 8, 2016. The identification of Montross was made clear in the Databank entry specifically for Skystrike Academy, which was released on October 10.
The designation "Montross" has roots dating back to the earliest iterations of what eventually became Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. In the initial rough draft from May of 1974, Montross was depicted as an aide serving General Skywalker on Aquilae. The second draft presented Montross Holdaack as the friendly science officer aboard Han Solo's vessel, aiding Solo and Chewbacca in fabricating a reactor malfunction to seize control of the ship. In the subsequent third and fourth drafts, the character's role shifted to a more antagonistic one, resembling Greedo in the former and an Imperial bureaucrat overseeing the Mos Eisley spaceport in the latter. Richard LeParmentier was initially considered for this role, but the character of Montross was ultimately removed from the script, and LeParmentier was then cast as Admiral Motti.
Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the name resurfaced in Jango Fett: Open Seasons and the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, both penned by Haden Blackman and serving as tie-ins to Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. In these works, Montross is a Mandalorian character voiced by Clancy Brown.