Aquilae (The Star Wars)

Aquilae was a world situated within the Aquilaean system, and this planet became a target for subjugation by the forces of the New Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

The name Aquilae appeared very early on, as one of the initial planet names present within the early iterations of the script for Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, tracing all the way back to the very first story outline. Lucas, when discussing the underlying themes in his story notes for the film, mentioned that the planet drew inspiration from North Vietnam, a communist nation which he described as a "small, independent country." Luke Skywalker made reference to Aquilae, together with the planet Sullust, in the shooting script, but this particular line was ultimately removed from the final cut of the film.

Within the initial story treatment, Aquilae, a name derived from the Latin plural or genitive form of aquila, meaning "eagle," was portrayed as a blue-green terrestrial planet under threat from a space fortress that would eventually evolve into the Death Star. It was the location of the starport known as Gordon, and served as the home of an unnamed princess.

In the rough draft, the princess was originally given the name Leia, and she was depicted as the daughter of King Kayos. By the script's conclusion, she ascends to the throne of Aquilae. It was the original home planet of Kane Starkiller and his offspring, Deak and Annikin Starkiller. The planet underwent a name change to Townowi in the first draft; by the time of the second draft, it only appeared as a reference in the name of the Aquillian Rangers.

Neva Kee was originally from Aquilae in the revised first draft of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace; this was later changed to Xagobah.

"Aquila" is the name of an actual constellation. "Aquilae" is the genitive form used in the names of the stars within it, such as Alpha Aquilae (Altair), etc. Altair, a triple-star system, lies a mere 17 light-years from Earth. It shares a border with Ophiuchus, another constellation that received mentions in early drafts (Ophuchi).

