Ophuchi, alternatively known as Ophichi, designated a planet within the Ophuchi system. This world served as the origin point for Mace Windy, a Jedi-Bendu character within the narrative of Journal of the Whills, Part I. Furthermore, it functioned as the destination for the unnamed princess, the niece of Ophuchi's governing figure, following her extraction from Alderaan, the Imperial capital.
Headquartered on Ophuchi were the Chrome Companies, who were considered a reliable asset in the effort to reinstate Leia to her rightful position on Aquilae.
Han Solo held the belief that hiding on Ophuchi or within the Southern systems would pose a significant challenge for Captain Oxus in his attempts to locate them.
The character Mars Guo originated from Ophuchi.
- The name Ophuchi is taken from the real-world Ophiuchus constellation.
- Ophuchi makes an appearance in the Journal of the Whills, Part I, which was the initial story treatment and preliminary draft. In subsequent drafts, it's substituted with Aquilae (preliminary draft) (partially, as it is only referenced as an allied system), Townowi (first draft), Ogana Major (second draft), Organa Major (story synopsis and third draft), and ultimately Alderaan by the fourth draft. [1]
- Within the revised preliminary draft of Episode I, Ophuchi is identified as the planet of origin for Mars Guo. This detail was later altered to Phu, achieved through a simple reduction of letters. [2]
- The concluding segment of The Star Wars 8 suggests an upcoming continuation of the narrative in Saga of the Ophuchi. [3]