Jek Tono Porkins, known by the moniker "Piggy," was a human male merchant and pilot hailing from Bestine IV. After the Galactic Empire established a new Imperial naval base on his homeworld, he chose to leave and ultimately joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Jek Tono Porkins, originally a trader residing on Bestine IV, began to witness the Galactic Empire's ruthlessness when they chose his homeworld as the location for a base, displacing the lives of those in its path. As the Empire's oppressive behavior intensified, Porkins departed from his [planet](/article/planet]. Driven by a desire for retribution, he underwent training to become a pilot within the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Following his enlistment in the starfighter corps, Porkins received assignment to [Tierfon](/article/tierfon], a planet situated in the Expansion Region, where he participated in numerous missions alongside the Tierfon Yellow Aces. However, the Empire eventually discovered their operations within the sector and increased their control, compelling the Rebel Alliance to abandon Tierfon. After evacuating the planet, Porkins was reassigned to the Alliance's Great Temple on Yavin 4 and was placed under the command of General Antoc Merrick. As an experienced rebel pilot, Porkins was notorious for initiating new recruits, in contrast to the generally welcoming attitude of his fellow veterans.

Following a skirmish near Kashyyyk, Biggs Darklighter proposed to Porkins that they enjoy a getaway on the planet of Irff. After a period of twelve days, they realized that their chosen vacation spot had been reserved by an Imperial officer. Upon learning this information, Porkins and Darklighter entered the officer's quarters, feigning the possession of blasters. The officer, in a state of alarm, revealed that she was a parent to six children. Porkins then offered an apology, and both he and Darklighter departed. Subsequent to their departure, the officer contacted security. Eventually, security apprehended Porkins and Darklighter. They were instructed to vacate the vacation spot, or the manager would be summoned.
During 0 BBY, Jek Porkins piloted an X-wing starfighter as a member of Red Squadron in the Battle of Scarif, using the callsign Red Six. He and his squadron were tasked with engaging the Star Destroyers and TIE fighters. The conflict concluded with the successful theft of the technical readouts for the Death Star, a moon-sized Imperial battle station.
Mere days after returning from Scarif, Porkins served drinks to his fellow pilots at Base One on the eve of the Battle of Yavin. He once again flew with Red Squadron, again as Red Six, alongside Nozzo Naytaan as the wingmen of Zal Dinnes. He encountered Biggs Darklighter following the mission briefing, engaging in playful banter that Darklighter perceived as a customary initiation from the confident Bestine native.

Shortly before the battle commenced, Dreis once more assigned Porkins the callsign Red Six. During the engagement, Dreis issued an order to destroy one of the Death Star's deflection towers, which Porkins and Darklighter accomplished using their starfighters' laser cannons. Porkins' starship collided with debris from the tower, leading to a malfunction and causing him to drift over the Imperial turbolaser batteries positioned on the surface. Despite Darklighter's warnings to withdraw from the area, Porkins remained confident in his ability to control his fighter. Porkins' fighter was caught in turbolaser fire and he was killed almost immediately. The officers and pilots present at the central command table in the Massassi war room heard Porkins' final words, and Elyhek Rue pledged to avenge him. Despite this, another Rebel pilot didn't receive word of his death, and asked if Porkins could see Luke Skywalker's fighter a few minutes after Jek was shot down.
More than three decades later, Porkins' memory lived on through the Porkins Belly Run, a Resistance flight maneuver named in his honor. While traveling aboard the Millennium Falcon after the Battle of Crait, BB-8 recounted to R2-D2 the death of the Abednedo pilot Ello Asty, who used the callsign Red Six. R2 responded that they, too, had lost a Red Six during the Battle of Yavin.
Porkins was affectionately called "Piggy" and "Belly Runner" because of his stout build.

As a rebel pilot, Porkins piloted T-65B X-wing starfighters. He was clad in an orange flight suit and a flight helmet adorned with orange and red markings. His astromech droid was R5-D8.
William Hootkins portrayed Jek Tono Porkins in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which was the first film in the Star Wars original trilogy.